Everyone go check out my sis kick some ass!
Also, check out my friends band! They are amazing!
NOTE: My friends list is not formatted in any particular order.
MACY : Macy has been my best friend through thick and thin. She's the only person I've met that loves sushi as much as I can.. and watch out, this girl can take back some Jack Daniels like a champ.
JOSH : Josh and I have spent countless hours watching football games together and talking shit about each others teams. He loves the Bears like its nobody's business.
JESSICA : Jessica is my wonderful olders sister. She skates for the BrewCity Bruisers and she could probably take you down and make you cry for mercy.
CALLIE : Callie is my other wonderful sister who lives in Florida and I miss her dearly. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet and she has a heart of gold.
ZACH : Zach is a funny guy that lives in Chicago.. He has amused me for countless hours while I was bored at work. I also think he has this thing for midgets.
LISA : Lisa may just be the funniest person you have ever meet. She can make you laugh for hours on end but if you ever make her mad, she might claim you as a "FACEHEAD".
DANIELLE : Danielle and I have had many a' adventures, whether it be eating nacho's after martini night or staying up til morning drinking coffee.
KATIE : The first thing you'll notice about Katie is that she has more tattoos than a salior. She also makes an amazing drinking buddy and has great taste in music.
DAVE : Speaking of music, nobody could outdo Dave. He's introduced me to more bands than I can count. But stay back ladies, he already has an amazing g/f.
MONICA : We have spent many teenage years together,sneaking out, drinking and having too much fun. We have mantained our friendship through distance and I love her dearly.
ANDY : Andy is a funny guy from Milwaukee. He has a qwerky and interesting personality which always makes our conversations interesting.
JUSTIN : All I can say is that anybody that owns a bottle of liquor called Kama Sutra and will chug it despite its horrible taste, is pretty amazing.
KRISTEN : Kristen is an old friend of mine from the "BREAD FACTORY" she's a sweet little thing and is currently in the process of forming yet another sweet little thing.
CARLY : Another "BREAD FACTORY employee.. Carly helped hold the place down with Lisa and I.. interesting fact: Carly's definition of Kosher is "cool"
RICKY : My all time favorite memory of Ricky is staying up ALL night talking, laughing, and being ridiculous, and then searching for beach glass while watching the sunrise.
CRAIG : Craig's is hilarious, he has a bit of a dry sense of humor and may be a little sarcastic, but he can make you laugh like no other.. we are going to DisneyLand.
View The Crew
I have rental friends.
View The Whole Gang
is my life...
My father