grey goose, chuck e. cheeses; long conversations about world politics and how it conflicts with religion, and nuclear physics, and a lot more! MARCUS MARCUS MARCUS MARCUS MARCUS MARCUS and MARCUS.....
SETH ROGEN (the guy from knocked up) HE IS SOOOOOOO SUPER YUMMY!!!!! Tito Ortiz, Jenna Jameson, Jennifer Lopez, Juanes, Shakira, RBD, Mana, Alicia Silverstone, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, Clive Owen, Orlando Bloom, Peter Sarsgard, Edward Norton, David and Victoria Beckham, the hot guy I saw at the back bar @ DMX, Mariah Carey, Fall Out Boys, Kendra, Janelle from Big Brother, and Kaysar too, and alooooot more.
Romeo & Juliet, Wedding Crashers, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Rosario Tijeras, the 25th hour, Pretty Woman, 40 yr old Virgin, the Wedding Planner, Casino, A Bronx Tale, and too many more to name.
America's Next Top Model, Gilmore Girls, Law & Order SUV, Forensic Files, The OC, MTV Videos, Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy.
Rosario Tijeras, Number the Stars, Shabanu, I'll Love you Forever, and alot more...
My Kids