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What kind of world do you want?

About Me

Monday, March 12, 2007My First Flat Tire
I seriously never thot it would happen to me at the wrong time of the day... So here it goes: I was at work, all laughin hard with my co-workers, and then I wanted to leave early so I could jump straight to my English homework, which is, writing a waste of time essay.. I was not feeling it at all, but I have to! Anyways, I was at Vanowen, suddenly I hear a weird sound like a soda can gettin drag by a lil boy off the street.. makin dat weird noise... I thought it was unusual, so I was like watever, its gonna go away. But it didn't go away? So I kept driving anyway, (lol very stupid) maybe i'll just take a look at it when I get home, besides, its freakin 12 AM in da morning and I'm just really tired and I need to start on my essay... But the noise still kept goin.. I was like, okay this isnt normal, its scaring da shit out of me... So I drove a lil slower and pulled to the side next to a Shell gasoline store.. And I went out and I saw my right back tire is flat as hell! and I was like oh no, not now.. U've got to be kidding me... Not like this! So i see this big fat nail stuck on one of my tires. I called my sister, no answer, then my lil brother, no answer too. Great, I cant even rely on them for emergency status.. But o wells. So I called my dad, and he came to help me. He was gettin frustrated coz I dont know wat to do when theres a flat tire. lol.. But I really don't know! I've never had a flat tire in my life! No one ever taught me too. I thot I was hopeless. But anyways, heard some lil sermon from my dad, and he taught me how to change my tires and wat to do if it happens again. So i got off work at 11:20 PM, didn't get home until 2:00 AM.. YES.. I had to wait for my dad for 1 hour and 45 min cause he didn't have the car since my step mom was using it for work. ANDDD the fact that my phone died and I had to turn it off just to get a 1 min charge before its completely dead. Yep.. now I didnt get to write my essay, and I'm really tired, and I got work tomrw.. Im thinking of callin in sick. hahhah... But damn, theres a first time for everything right? But watevers.. im screwed unless I go to sleep right now. GOOD NIGHTS.
P.S. Havin ur first flat tire at midnight, with low bat phone, tired from work with an essay to work on while starvin coz u skip ur break coz it was effin busy and to wait for ur help 1 hour and thirty min later... Is one big fat bitch! GrrRrr!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am the one and only, Jerome Villamayor---I am one of a kind, a once-in-all-history event. Everyone knows that I can't do all things to people, I can't do all things at once, I can't do all things better than everyone else; I don't have to compete with others, because no-one is in the contest of "being me." Therefore, I've learned to accept my own uniqueness, set priorities and make decisions, live with my limitations, and give myself the respect that is due--- from then, I'll be most vital mortal. I believe my God is everything, my one and only Lord and Savior--- without Him, I am nothing. I strongly agree that I cannot change my past, nor change the fact that people act in a certain way---I cannot change the inevitable. The only thing I can do is play on the one string we all have, and that is our attitude. Girls with no morals and respect for themselves are waste of skin and beauty. Hence, I'm the type of guy that thinks you don't have to put on your make up and a fancy dress just to look cute or beautiful---just be yourself, lets be friends, and I'll be happy. I believe beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and inner beauty surpasses it all. I have few close friends, and I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I don't smoke, and I don't do drugs. My road to success is to graduate college, and become a Registered Nurse; I will continue to strive for this dream, and nothing can stop me. Through their vivid, pleasant testimonials, I am well-honored and grateful for my companions; Nevertheless, this allows me to appreciate my existence, my individualism, and the power to inspire others in which makes my life worth living. For the most part, if there is something you would like to know about me, feel free to send a message and I'll be happy to answer your appropriate questions. Thank you for your time, and I hope all is well.


My Blog

Band Aid's Exclusive Videos

Well heres a video from MJ's birthday bash made by Sherry Pie (btw. Pie, great job on the edit and special effects). There was alot of people that night and I didn't know most of them at all. For the ...
Posted by Jerome on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:59:00 PST

Why Is It?

Why is it that everyy time u just paid something or in da process of getting rid of something, SOMETHING comes up, and like bites u in da ass? Or like u hold onto something special, and then suddenly ...
Posted by Jerome on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:26:00 PST

One Time, At Band Camp Called ER

Sup folks! Its been anges! I know, life just got busy and next thing you know, I just realized I'm drifting away from my youth. I've been working lately, and right now things aren't the same as before...
Posted by Jerome on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:19:00 PST

Working Next To ER (Emergency Room)

Happy New Years Everyone!Its been awhile since I wrote something here.. Its been so busy lately, especially now that I finally started working again. Anyways, working in da ER is just a fast pace, hec...
Posted by Jerome on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:53:00 PST

Christmas Party 2006 Pictures Here!!!

Sup guys! First of all, I wanna say thanks to my co-hosts for makin this creative party of the year, "The Talk of West Hills..." hahah! I couldn't have done it without you guys! Thank you for all da h...
Posted by Jerome on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 11:17:00 PST

First Day

Today I just started at my new job, but before that I just wanna greet everyone a wonderful holiday (I'm sure I did!). I did nothing hectic today, just aside from filing some papers dat was loaded fro...
Posted by Jerome on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 12:19:00 PST

This Christmas Potluck Party Updates Here!

General Information Sup guys! So that's our christmas banner with our three main hosts, hope u guys like it. Anyways, this christmas party will take place on Friday, December 22, 2006. Me and my co-h...
Posted by Jerome on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:45:00 PST

I Got The Job!

What's up guys!?! Guess what? I got the job! HAhaHAhaha! That's what I'm talkin about! Cheyeeaahh!!! LOL! hahah. Let me just share it with you guys: So I was still on bed yesterday, it was about 9:27 ...
Posted by Jerome on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:27:00 PST

A Christmas Party?

    Sup folks! Anyways me and my two friends, Pie and Lucky are hosting a Christmas Special Party on Saturday, December 23rd at my house (I offered). We didn't wanna do it on the 24th, cause...
Posted by Jerome on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:57:00 PST

Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone

I just wanna say thanks to all the ppl that greeted me on thanksgiving whether it was a text msg over phone or a message here on myspace. I actually receive 2 unidentified text messages... I was wonde...
Posted by Jerome on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 12:05:00 PST