'my name is Jibe LAbenz L. Nebato..i lOve living.. yet constantly heartbroken..i talk tO peoPle mOst of the tiMe.. but UnLIke many Others, sOmetimes, I preFer tO be ALONE..i like sInging.. thO' iv'e never gOt that enOugh talent fOr singing.. & i play Keyboards and gUitar. trying hard as UsUal..i am nOt Intelligent.. not that sMart.. as i have always Been AssOciated with MEdiOcrity..i know IM not that gOod in terms Of almost everything.. but I always trY to do the best i can..I am hardly aPpreciated.. and thO it hurts me inside.. sTill, u will alwaYs see a smiLing persoN Outside..well, Just like any other peoPle,i ain't spEcial.. cOz no one treats Me special..i want tO excel.. bUt my capacities limit me to do sO..i am nOt sweet.. bUt i rily do care..i am not that patient.. but i rily dO waiT..i am nOt Open.. but i rily do sharE..i am nOt that pretty.. but i rily do smile..i am noT that talented.. but i rily do give aLL my best..i am nOt that Loved.. but i rily do LOVE..and i am Labenz.. tHE girl hU deserves tO be given a Closer second lOok.. =)tUtuki lang di ba mabuang jUdh ka!.if u happen 2 have read this, now, u know the PAST JIBE LABENZ LIMOSNERO NEBATO.karoN?.. ako na ang JIBE ra gihapon.. mas gwapa lang.. tonk.. mas gwapa imod2..ako ra gihapon ang jibe nga sabaan.. ushay emO. ushy buotan..perO..akO, ambot kinsa kO..naa guro ko MPd!LIMTANON kaayo kO!.huhu..cge, tNks sa pagbasa..Bitaw, one thing for sureGOD’s grace has changed me!.Jz see for yourself..