LyNn AmBeR profile picture

LyNn AmBeR

I am here for Friends

About Me

- HaPpY 9o LuCkY, Just a simpLe GirL, veRy2 inTeResTeD in PoWerPuFF 9IrLs oRan9e CoLouR aNd RiKku (FiNaL FanTaSy), sTiLL sTudyin9 aT coLLe9e n' taKin9 sCienCe ComP coUrSe, yOun9esT in FamiLy ( 9ot 1 eLdEr Bro ), i'M reaLLy inTo MuSic cOz' mUsiC iS mY LiFe, Nike n' 9o99leS aRe my Fav. bRanD, siMpLe n' inTersTed iN adVenTureS & xTreMe sTuFf, ...-I'm Sorry, I Can't B'.... PERFECT !!!
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... refreshing
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... everlasting

Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Interests

SpOrTs, SuRfin9 inTerNeT, TraVeLLin9, pLaYin9 9aMeS, CoRrEsPonDin9, MuSic, PoWerPuFF GirL, CoLLectin9 - VideoCliPs, CasSeTte, sOn9s, Oran9e's StuFf... .LyNn's MuSiC.

Sheila On 7 - Berhenti Berharap Too Phat Feat Yassin - Alhamdullilah
Hoobastank - The Reason

I'd like to meet:

| | | | | | | | | | SONG PLAYIN'::: The ReaSon | | | | | | | | | |.LyNn's LyRiC.

I'm not a perfect person
As many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You...
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

- Tun Dr Mahathir MohamMad, x- BoyFreNs, scHooLmaTe ( CBW & CBN ) sEan WiLLiaM sCotT, LinKin PaRk, BoA, uTaDa HiKaRu, LinDsaY LoHaN, JeNniFeR LoVe HeWiTt, MicHeLLe SaRaM, eMiNeM aNd oF CoUrSe aNyOnE wHo InTereStEd in KnOwIn9 Me.....!!! N' wHoeVer wanT 2 cHat Or ConTacT Me At :Yahoo Messenger : [email protected]


R & B, Hip Hop, PunK RocK, sKa, DaNcE MuSic, aLterNaTivE & PoP... eSpEciaLLy The oNe n' onLy ' eMiNeM, No DoUbT, LinKin ParK, aUdiOsLaVe,MatcHbox20, BonE thu9s & HarMoNy, RHCP, New FoUnD 9LorY, HoObAsTaNk, OAG, SimpLe pLaN, SiLvErChaiR, 3 DoOrs DoWn, MuSe, BuTTerFin9eRs, DeaD MushRoOm, The RasMus, bLacK eYeD pEaS, NicKeLBacK, DasHboaRd ConFesSiOnaL, 9oLdFin9er, TeNaCiOuS D, InToxiCateD, BoA, uTaDa HiKarU, KiSs, 9iL, JeweL, DeWa, 50 CenTs, WeeZeR, S.H.E, eVanEsSenCe, My cHeMiCaL RoManCe, TiPe-x, sHeiLa On 7, sHiZuKa, CoKeLaT, JuLieT The oRan9e, Peter Pan, iNcuBuS, cHrisTina a9uiLeRa...


JenNiFeR LoVe HeWiTt's MoVieS, The eXoRciSts, LOTR 1,2.3, Dude wHeRe my CaR? CoYoTe u9Ly, Ju-On ( The FinaL ), SaVe The LasT DanCe, MeTeoR 9arDen, PiRatE oF CaRriBbEaN, aDa aPa d9n cinTa, 9iLa2 ReMaJa, She's aLL ThaT, 10 Thin9s I HaTe aBouT yOu, HeLLbOy, bRin9 iT oN, PenDeKaR BuJan9 LaPoK, fReaKy fRiDaY, cRueL iNteNtiOn, ScHooL oF RoCk, Le9aLLy BlonDe, RoaD TriP, 9otHiKa, HoNeY, ConFeSsiOn oF TeEna9e dRaMa quEeN, U 9ot SerVeD N' eTc....


The SurViVor, 3R, The aMazin9 RaCe, LiZziE mCquiRe, CSI, eXpLoRaCe, iRon CheF, FeAr FacToR, The BacHeLor, aMeriCa's Next Top MoDeL,, PearL dRaMa, cHarMed, CarToOn NeTwoRk - PPG, HBO, MTV n' [V]'s CHANNEL, FriEndS, sQuEeR eYe FoR ThE sTrAi9hT 9uY, wHo's LiNe iS iT aNyWaY, sHin cHaN, aMeriCan's iDoL, aKaDeMi FanTaSia....


aHadiaT aKasHah's NoVeLs, 9aLaxie, ReMaJa, uToPia, hyPe anythin9 as lon9 as it fuLfiL mY was3rd tiMe....


sEan WiLLiam Scott, heLLboY, eMiNeM, aRa9orN, oF cOuRsE My DaD aNd LasT BuT NoT LeAsT TuN Dr. MaHaThIr...

My Blog

KiSaH Di SeBaLiK La9uKu BerSaMa - aRieLyNn, ZaLyNn & aiDiNa

-aRieLyNn - Sometimes love can hit you every day Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see But only one can really make me stay A sign from the sky Said to me You're one in a million You're...
Posted by LyNn AmBeR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Perfect Hey dad look at me Think back and talk to me Did I grow up according to plan? Do you think i'm wasting my time Doing things I wanna do? But it hurts when you disapprove all along And ...
Posted by LyNn AmBeR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

BerSeDiaKaH KoRan9 d9n PeRuBaHan...???

- SeSeor9 aKan BeruBah siKaP KeRaNa TerpaKse, KeceWa aTauPuN KeRaNa KeaDaaN..??? PeRuBaHan aKan MenDatan9KaN KeBaiKkaN aTau KebUrUkKan??? BoLeHkaH KiTa MeNeriMa PeRuBaHan TeRsEbUt WaLauPuN seBeLu...
Posted by LyNn AmBeR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST