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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin...:)

About Me

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::::::::::::: { @ } :::::::::::::: kidd "saya telah bertemu dgn ramai orang yang aneh-aneh dan saya mahu orang-orang itu melihat bahawa saya masih bisa berdiri disini". Mungkin itu adalah satu ayat yang akan saya pegang walaupon kadangkala ianya agak sukar.Menjalani kehidupan yang agak sukar untuk ditentukan.Mata-mata yang memandang dengan pelbagai niat yang sukar untuk dibaca.kata-kata yang kadang-kala menembusi ke telinga sebelah.Percaya dengan kata putus dari ketentuan.Jangan sesekali mengatakan dunia ini kejam kerana dunia ini indah saja.Bergantung kepada penerimaan dan kekuatan.Panjangkan jalan ke depan,kaburkan jalan dibelakang.Seperti ayat yang semakin menjadi sebutan "Hadapi Dengan Senyuman"
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::::::::::::: { @ } :::::::::::::: ::::::: AKHIRNYA :::::::
Kusadari akhirnya kerapuhan imanku Telah membawa jiwa dan ragaku Ke dalam dunia yang tak tentu arah Kusadari akhirnya kau tiada duanya Tempat memohon beraneka pinta Tempat berlindung dari segala mara bahayaOh Tuhan mohon ampun Atas dosa dan dosa Selama ini Aku tak menjalankan perintahmu Tak pedulikan namamu Tenggelam melupakan dirimuOh Tuhan mohon ampun Atas dosa dan dosa Sempatkanlah Aku bertobat hidup di jalanmu tuk penuhi kewajibanku Sebelum tutup usia kembali padamu

::::: { PICK OF THE WEEK } :::::
:::::::::::::::{{{{@}}}}:::::::::::::::::: So i'm waiting for this test to end | So these lighter days can soon begin | I'll be alone but maybe more carefree | Like a kite that floats so effortlessly | I was afraid to be alone | Now im scared thats how id like to be | All these faces none the same | How can there be so many personalities | So many lifeless empty hands | So many hearts in great demand | And now my sorrow seems so far away| Until i'm taken by these bolts of pain | But i turn them off and tuck them away till these rainy days that make them stay | And then i'll cry so hard to these sad songs | And the words still ring, once here now gone | And they echo through my head everyday | And i dont think they'll ever go away | Just like thinking of your childhood home | But we cant go back we're on our ownBut i'm about to give this one more shot | And find it in myself | Ill find it in myself | So were speeding towards that time of year | To the day that marks you're not here | And i think i'll want to be alone | So please understand that i dont answer the phone | I'll just sit and stare at my deep blue walls until i can see nothing at all | Only particles some fast some slow | All my eyes can see is all i know | But i'm about to give this one more shot | And find it in myself| I'll find it in myself .
:::::::::::{ @ } ::::::::::::: She left on a Monday | She's a siren down the road | In your herringbone overcoat | That you don't expect to get back | And it's an ordinary sky | Today's like any other day | When all of the aeroplanes | Write her name in the clouds | And nothing's wrong | But it's already Sunday | And you know just how Sunday | Was the day that she would come around? | Go to her foolish man | What's the use of having pride if you don't have her? | She'll endure all she can | But you could make this easier on her | It's all like sinking | You're trying to stay afloat | Like a wind blown paper boat Over uncharted sea | There's no question why | You're driving to kill some time | Racing the power lines |Back into town | Go to her foolish man What's the use of having pride if you don't have her? | She'll endure all she can | But you could make this easier on her | Go to her foolish man What's the use of having pride if you don't have her? | She'll endure all she can | But you could make this easier on her | Make this easier on her | Make this easier on her | Make this easier on her
::: Bahasa Kesunyian Menerangkan Kenyataan :::
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Aries is the cardinal-fire sign which translates into life loving and highly energized and this describes their needs concerning love as well. As a partner they make life exciting, albeit occasionally tiring, and you cannot help but feel rather joyful and light hearted when you're in their company. It's that blend of innocence (the lamb) with pure power (the ram) that is so captivating about an Aries mate.
They don't understand the meaning of the word routine, however, and boredom is the number one killer of Aries romances. Aries loves as boldly and as strongly as it experiences life. From sports to personal ! challenges Aries are usually not h appy unless they are moving after something.With Mars as their ruling planet oftentimes their entire lives are about channeling and putting that immense power to work for them. It's not uncommon to find an Aries firmly committed to a long term volatile arrangement that leaves those around them wondering why they would stay. The truth is they often thrive on that kind of intensity and it can do far less damage than existing within a relationship that has grown routine and stagnant. When an Aries loves they LOVE.The partner is hoisted up onto a pedestal whether they want to be there or not and they become a treasure to be protected and guarded passionately. The love of an Aries life often becomes the driving motivation for their challenging goals and the phrase, "I did this for YOU" is one heard in many of the best Aries relationships.
Aries Sexuality An Aries sexuality is driven, powerful and almost a feat of showmanship when they are truly captivated. Since Aries tend to be action/goal oriented sex can become a series of higher plateaus involving anything their fertile imaginations can conjure up. Aries are the zodiac show-off and the bedroom isn't excluded from their dramatic and captivating ability to get partners undivided attention. The more appreciated they feel the more they invest in their lovemaking and private boundaries exist only to give an Aries something to leap over. Marathons of passion, spontaneous liaisons in the most unexpected places and inexhaustible stamina are all part of the Aries basic sexual make-up.
The Long Term Story Lots of pampering and a lot of attention are needed with an Aries lover as they thrive on feeling they are number one in! your life. They love to do the in itial chasing and are usually not attracted to being chased but once their heart is given you can't ever over-do your displays of affection. While they can be jealous and possessive you cannot show the same qualities and any kind of clinging is a sure fire way to drive them into new pastures. Under all the Aries bravado and show is actually a rather innocent child who simply wants to explore the wonderful world around them and to be appreciated. The more encouraged they are in either area the more exuberant they become.
Positive Traits in Love Exuberance, expressiveness, passion, generosity, adoration, protectiveness, adventuress, fun loving, creative and energized lovemaking, and devotion.
Negative Traits Temperamental, jealous, possessive, ego oriented, inconsiderate, reckless, fickle
What an Aries Likes Being number one, A positive attitude, A life loving comrade, A. partner who has style or a 'look', Being Seen Getting gifts, Loyalty, Being active together. Romance and dazzle.
What an Aries Dislikes Being bored, Being chased, Sloppiness in a mate, Criticism, Anything mundane, Feeling unappreciated, Feeling inferior, Losing, Having to repeat things. Displays of insecurity.
Aries Love Keywords Dramatic, romantic, original, passionate, energized, creative, spontaneous
© MCT Lyts
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Devign Studios ..
MusicStudiowork*Photography*PhotoEditing*GraphicDesign* Events*Guitar/BassGuitar*Piano/String*Songwriting* Fashion*Video Editing*Fussball*Futsal*Mapley*Dunhill 14*ESurfing*Travelling/Vacation*Murni/Syed/Idaman* Indomie/TelurSetengahMasak/RotiBakar/NasiLemakAyam* Nescafe*Sneakers*

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Orang yang suka akan bahagia-bahagia saja!


Halusi Bunyi

MySpace Music Playlist at

Music comes first.A lot, coz each of music have their own character and they are uniq...but strings and piano makes me more focus in a touch of making music!




The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
Kidd, your true color is Yellow! You're yellow, the color of joy and energy — two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting color for a warm and inviting person — you!
Your true color is Yellow!
What's Your True Color?
Brought to you by Tickle
He always let other people walk in front of him, but he will get there first. He is a very careful guy and small obstacles won't make him fall easily even he thinks life is a very serious matter. He is as romantic as any other Zodiac. He could look gentle, but inside he is as strong as steel. Once he determine to do something, he is serious about doing it well. He will keep any pressure or insult deep down inside without showing emotion. You will never see his emotion of burden or disappointment and always wonder what he thinks or feels. He will well keep his feeling. You will never see a guy in this Zodiac involving in other people business. He always concern with his own business. Sometimes he can be talkative, but he will never give anyone advice if he has not been asked. If you ask for advice, he will certainly give you one. He respects elderly and senior, so you will see he is the type who visit his parents steadily or often. He is a slightly shy but also a stubborn person. He will find many ways to make you happy when you are with him, till you realize he is the important person for you. Once he is in the "Power Position", he will use his power gently. He is a good leader and "Gentleness" is one of his effective method for exploiting his power. It is although he is borne to be a leader. He never hide his ambition, and he is a workaholic. he will not take any position that he has no control. He will work very hard to reach his goal and satisfaction. Compliment from his boss or superior are never enough for him, he want his deserved reward. His deep insecurity make him reach and collecting valuable things, and this you may think he is stingy. Actually he could easily spending money to buy things, traveling or pay for things that makes him happy and he think necessary for his need. He care what other people think of him and want to get good comments or compliments. Outside he looks like stone and steel, but inside he is a fragile person. He will hide and cover up weak emotion and his sadness in order to maintain and keep up his "Image". One method of cover up you could easily notice is suddenly if he is quiet, cold, or act very strong or very secure. Often, he feels insecure, even he is serious about his life and his own surrounding. This is the man who never hurry to get marry, so hardly sit back and regret about his marriage later. If he gets marry, he need to be very certain and very sure. It will take a long time for such decision, so if you tell him that you are "breaking up" , you better forget him for good because he will never coming back. He always keep his promise. If he said he will meet you in your place in 2 hours then he will be there, unless there is a serious accident or unavoidable things happen. He hate people who is late for date or any appointment. He like to think woman should be a follower and take care of family and working is a man duty. He does not like to compete with his girl friend or his wife at work because competition already exist with himself and other people. He will be very proud if he can afford and care for his family. Do not try to over power him or insult him, he can not stand it. He likes to be in control of every things, every situations. He like a "Classy Woman" ,if she also comes from a good family then it is a Plus. It will make him feel proud and very ego about her status. Flashy type of woman , forget it. He like a perfect or a nearly perfect housewife. He tend to be possessive. He will not tell you if he is mad at you, but will act very moody to show you instead. He like to hear sweet word and compliment so you can get his interest that way. If he approaches you to ask you out, do not act too stubborn or fooling around too much. He will get tired and just disappear. He has to feel confident when he is around you, so knowing this fact you should know what to do, right! If you want him, you have to make him feel like he is the most important person for you. He likes a kind hearted woman , polite and can get along with his family. When he feels sad, do not leave him alone, but be very supportive. Kind words and your smile will win him over, so this strong man will be like a chicken in your palm.


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Nabi Muhammad S.A.W

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Posted by KiDD" on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 01:11:00 PST

Definiton of Art~~

Bidang kesenian di anggap sebagai cerminan sesuatu nilai dan simbol dalam sesebuah tamadun, bangsa dan kebudayaan. Seni adalah satu manifestasi dan pancaran rasa keindahan, pemikiran, kesenangan dan p...
Posted by KiDD" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST