reading, knitting, watching large amounts of tv in one sitting, being outiside, coffee, mysterious people, my bed, change, having the guts to actually blow some money on something that i probably don't need, days off, family, friends, laughing, when you realize that your headache is gone, SLEEP, snow, lightning storms, dolphins, funny things, staring at people to make them uncomfortable, watching the cat jump sideways, when people understand why i don't like cottonballs, and much much more
adopt your own virtual pet!
There are two kinds of people, fake and genuine... fake people suck, enough said
if its folky, acustic, and sadly, somewhat sad, i'll probably like it. But i also like the rock, the pop, the punk, and everything else in between
My movie collection is growing and that excites me
Scrubs, Sex and the city, Greys anatomy, friends, conan, project runway, and any other reality tv show that bravo has because bravo is amazing.
I read when i'm in the mood, for some reason, i can't get into it lateley, probably because i'm so freakin busy it just puts me to sleep
all my friends... and my mom... definitley my mom