Old cars, old dogs, old people, Cabo San Lucas, sports bars. Tivo.
Cool gals and dudes between 25 and 45. No, bitches, train wrecks or bi-polar Ho's please. If you like old cars, old people, dogs, vodka, and the Green Bay Packers, all the better!
Anything except loud sensless crap...Big Bands to 50 Cent, Nelly, Classic Rock, Hippity Hop & Garth Brooks.
Gladiator, Tommy Boy, Austin Powers, Lonesome Dove, Cool Hand Luke, Saving Private Ryan, all the good ones!
Tivo, HBO...Rome, Entourage, Deadwood, Sopranos, Big Love, ER, 24 (Jack Bauer) is god, Prison Break, American Idiot, Jackass, Jenna Jameson videos, Friday Night Lights, House, Survior, THE OFFICE IS THE BEST, My Name is Earl, and last but not least....GREYS ANATOMY. McSteamy is my boy!
Please dont hate me for having a Brooke Burke video. A guy can dream, cant he? Isnt it annoying? Too frickin bad!
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