i'm julius voltaire rommel cubelo ii...
bs applied mathematics student, iskolar ng bayan, atenista, couch potato, frustrated painter, party animal, happy drinker, beach bum, coffee fanatic, choco addict, life lover, daydreamer.
F amily
F riends
M ovies
T v
M usic
T exting
F oodtrip
C lubbing
B each
...anyone, i guess
MSN: julius1021
YM: julius_cubelo
J ason Mraz
J ohn Mayer
S now Patrol
R ed Jumpsuit Apparatus
P aramore
A kon
e tc.etc.etc...
A cross the Universe
J uno
L ittle Miss Sunshine
N apoleon dynamite
A lmost Famous
5 0 first dates
S piderman
G rey's anatomy
K eeping up with the Kardashians
C si
E ntourage
A mazing race
T he Office
M y name is earl
the calculus 7 by louis leithold.. ahahaha!!!