aNyThIn' DaT's GoOd 2 LiSeN 2.. ..sPeCiAlY sOnGs FrOm BoYz II MeN.. ..SaRaH mClAcHlAn.. ..NyOy.. ..uShEr..Ü ..LiFeHoUsE..etc..
hMm..JuZ aBoWt EvErYtHiNg..!!Ü
sEx & ThE cItY!!Ü.. cSi, FrIeNdS, sPoNgEbOb, D sImPsOnS, mR. bEaN, aNiMe, just shoot me, malcolm in d middle, dEsPeRaTe HoUsEwIvEs, will n grace!!Ü
definitely "Archie"!!Ãœrecently read "Memoirs of a Geisha" n it's a
great book, also read "The Kitchen God's Wife", "The Breakup Diaries",
and "On the Bright Side, I'm now the Girlfriend of a Sex God"
[it's a funny buk]..Üso it’s mainly books i find interesting..