Everyday is a holiday profile picture

Everyday is a holiday

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a God, you say YES!

About Me

I'm grew up in Delaware and now i live in Las Vegas NV. I do private security here in this crazy town. I have been training in brazilian jiu jitsu for four years and have recently been training in pekiti tirsa. i will be moving back to east coast soon to resume my job as a Corrections Officer in the great state of DE or to enter a police academy.. i havent decided yet..either way im not sure how i will like living back in DE.. i mean vegas has 24 hours liquors laws, great clubs and more booty then you can shake a stick at.. (just joking mami) anyway at 26 years old i have seen and done things that people twice my age havent ever experienced ( thats probably why im not a cop yet hahaha ) i mean if you asked the people who knew me at 20 they would probably say " im suprised patricks guarding a prison not serving a sentence in one.

My Interests

Pekiti-Tirsia system and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu




how to win friends and influence people. the badge of honor collection and playboy


my pops and my bro. the two men who showed me how to become a man... i love both of you very much and I miss you every day