Our band started in early January of 2007. Drummer, Elliott Evans, was playing with Lead Guitarist, C.J. Gardner, and Rhythm Guitarist, Hunter Astor, separately, and then Elliott introduced the 2 guitarists, and they started writing material. Shortly after, singer, Josh Harper, joined the band. The did their first show in the end of March and have been doing shows since. In Mid-August, newest member, Bass player named Marcus, was added to the band. Now with a complete band, Upon The Alter is aiming to do some more shows!
Upon The Alter.
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Upon The Alter
Upon the Alter
Our band started in early January of 2007. Drummer, Elliott Evans, was playing with Lead Guitarist, C.J. Gardner, and Rhythm Guitarist, Hunter Astor, separately, and then Elliott introduced the 2 guitarists, and they started writing material. Shortly after, singer, Josh Harper, joined the band. The did their first show in the end of March and have been doing shows since. In Mid-June, newest member, Bass player named Kyle, was added to the band. Now with a complete band, Upon The Alter is aiming to do some more shows!
These range from death metal to grindcore and slam!
Our songs, e try to sound like the heavy guys, which are some of our main influences as well.
All Shall Perish, Waking The Cadaver, Guttural Engorgement, The Acacia Strain, Liferuiner, Bull Durham, Suicide Silence, Elysia, Whitechapel, and many other slam, grind, hardcore, death metal, and metal bands!Add&&ListenAdd&&Listen