Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' profile picture

Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah'

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5I have cool hair.. we get it... for god's sake people i don't ever, i mean EVER need to hear it again. To be honest i don't do it for anyone, that includes you.. i do it because i like the way it looks. So please, at this point comments don't boost my self esteem, they just annoy me. So feel free to look, just keep your thoughts, comments, and QUESTIONS.. to your self. Ok now that we got that out of the way. Hey how goes it? I'm Travisty.ok, I guess im not really your average guy. I'm like a pinapple. LOL, shhh give it a minute. See i look a little different and sometimes ruff on the outside, but deep down inside im actually very sweet. Nice metaphore huh. lol. anyways. Umm the obveous is i have a huge mo-hawk, YES ITS REAL. I have it because its the way i see myself, its just me. I don't do it for attention, or to be "punk rock".(Be warned if you ask me a question with an obveous answer, or just a stupid question in general about my hair, i will give you a response that will make you feel like an idiot). Just enjoy the hair, don't obsess over it. I'm really big on punk and ska music, and anything that's good, which is pretty much anything in its own respect. I also have a great passion in politics. Yea, overall i get along with everyone. I am currently doing my best to create unity between all groups and walks of life. Punk, hip-hop, metal, prep-e, nerd, old, young, gay, straight... you name it im friends with them and im trying to spread a sense of tolerance between all of them. So far its working fairly well :) . The only people i don't get along with are discriminative people (racist, sexist, homophobic...), "punk rockers" you know the kids, the ones who are little Hot Topic modles, and ignorant, uneducated, brainwashed Bush lovers! or any corrupt rep. supporter. Can't stand them. This emo kid crap is starting to piss me off too, but whatever. But yea other than that, i love all. I strongly beleive in concepts like Peace, Unity, Freedom, Justice... and try to spread my train of thought to others. Besides all of that what else is there about me. Umm. I love my band (The Dissident Faction), I love my friends. My girlfriend Tiffany is also on of the most important things in my life. There's no doubt in my mind she's my soul mate and we're going to be together forever. Lots of people say crap like that, but i'm one of the few that truely means it and is probably right. umm well that's me in a nut shell. A pretty large nut shell, like a wallnut. Yea anything else you want to know just ask.
Political Punk!You don't necesarily have an 'image', persay. You
may dress abit punky but it's more your
attitude and outlook on life that make you
punk. Probably found at shows focusing on
unity, vegan markets and even riots and
protests, you fight for your cause. You're a
true rebel, and even if others in the scene
don't agree with your views, they respect your
conviction. You rock.
What type of punk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

I'm interested in politics. Like most i never used to care, but then i started to discover what was really happening not only in our country and but our world too, and believe me its very frightening. Besides, politics really means how our lives our going to be changed, controlled and run, so i feel its a very important to be involved in. I have have a strong interest in music. I taught myself to play guitar and just kept picking up instruments. I now play the guitar, bass, piano, drums, penny whistle, kazoo, monkey tamberine, (lol) and i'm currently teaching myslef the bagpipes and mandolin. Yep. I not only enjoy listen to music and playing it, but writting it as well. I've written 50 songs, both all music parts and lyrics. You can read some of my songs in my blogs section. I'm in a band called Travisty & The Screwups . We are punk/ska/skacore. I've also started a hip-hop thing with my friend RE, ill be releasing that stuff soon. I'm also working on a group aimed at being the most offensive thing possible. We're probably going to be named Old Dirty Man and The Pedophiles. I really want to start a traditional irish band, and a lounge band. good stuff. I also enjoy creating art. Most of the time i put my artistic skills into my clothes. Over half of my wardrobe is my own design. Ranging from custom jeans to the suit in my profile pic. Those are my main to interest.

I'd like to meet:

i would say the girl of my dreams/soul mate, but i already have, and im lucky enough to be with her.


a My favorite music is mainly punk and ska. But i do listen to everything from classical to oldies. Some of my favorite bands include: Travisty & The Screwups ( i know its pittiful self promotion but who cares..join our friend's list visty ) Danny Winn & The Earthlings, Anti-Flag, Propaghandi, Screeching Weasel, Operation Ivy, Voodoo Glow Skulls, SSS, Los Kun Fu Monkies, Green Day, Flogging Molly, Real McKenzies, Dropkick Murphys, Common Rider, Rancid, The Big Spank, The Vandals, The Specials, Ramones, The Del Vikings, The Coasters, Weird Al, The Toasters, Sloppy Meat Eaters, River City Rebles, Critically Unacclaimed, The Suicide Machines, Authority-Zero, The Queers, Nirvana, The Dwarves, Short Arm Trick, Hep Cat, The Clash, Liquid Cheeze, Mad Caddies ...............ok i think you get an idea...


My favorite movie would have to be SLC Punk. It's classic. I mean its like every type of movie rolled into one. Comedy, romance, drama, documentary, ... you name it, it's got it. Besides that i like Bowling for Columbine, The Big One, Farenhite 9/11, and Napolian Dynomite (thanks Brianna). Other good movies you should check out... Borat, Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless Mind, Waking Life, any Mel Brooks movie, Crash, American Beauty, Snatch, Fight Club...


I enjoy a good laugh. So i would say my fav. TV shows are The Daily Show, Family Guy, Ren & Stempy, South Park, and of course Stand Up Comedy. I also watch alot of the public access channel, as well as the discovery channel and national geographic channel.


I read alot of political material. Everything from the news, to uncensored web material, to political books. I am currently reading a Michle Moore book, Dude Where's My Country. Good stuff. My other two favorite books are The Gas We Pass and Everybody Poops.


My heros are the great political and civil activist of the world and history. The people who stood up against evil and took it on to help change our world for the better.

My Blog

My life is awsome! (update on recent events in my personal life)

    It’s been a while since my last blog, which was about leaving to Ohio (in the fall) to go to school. I went there to study music engineering. I learned a lot, met some cool pe...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:25:00 PST

What i think about you Junk-e Drug-e, and why i am the way i am!

(This is a response i posted to my friend Bob's blog about how so many people we know and just how society in general is so screwed up on drugs, and how he hates it) Thank you Bob, you're one of like ...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 01:53:00 PST

The Sinking Ship (New Song)

The Sinking ShipBy: Travis Crofton Disaster lies clear aheadBut we seem unable to turnBlinded by blissful ignoranceWe never seem to learn Our careless captain pushed onTo achieve personal legacyEven i...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:59:00 PST

How to stop being emo.. A new philosophical look at emotions

It seems in today's society emotions, are thought of as the result of our surrounding world. People, events, or things are all seen as the creators of our emotions, but is that really the case? Sure a...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:05:00 PST

Sant Vs. Jesus, what is Christmas???

I'm sure you've all thought it, but im just going to say it and i want your opinions on this too. What is Christmas really about? Lets seperate the word Christmas, and bam right in front is Christ...w...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:37:00 PST

How traditional methods of easing ethnic violence will not work or have failed in Iraq...

(**If anyone reads this whole thing I'll give them a dollar and buy them a hamburger or something**) This is my thesis on how the traditional methods of easing ethnic violence will not work or have fa...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:08:00 PST

A Loss of Innocence

A Loss Of Innocence By: Travis Crofton A falling tear captures the light Many will not live to see A mother's scream, a father's cry Hang in the air indefinitely   Trapped in a nightmare Whic...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Wed, 03 May 2006 09:25:00 PST

George Bush = Terrorist

George Bush = Terrorist · Before attacking Iraq, George Bush threatened Saddam Hussein to leave power or be attacked by the United States of America. These threats were used for the purpose of arou...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A War for one (song)

(This is a song i wrote about how wars are often times created due to an argument between two leaders. It amazes me that two people's problems can result in the deaths of thousands. Soldiers are used ...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Lables (song)

(this is a song i wrote about how in today's society we are often confronted with lables, created for the purpose of destroying anyone who doesn't fit into the society's perfect mold. It deals with 3 ...
Posted by Travisty A.K.A Jerk Face Killah' on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST