Adding new "bling" to the jeeps and bike . Wheelin on 2 or 4, either one...Anything to do with being outside in the fresh air. Doing "stuff" with people, or just by myself.
- Get Your Own
Oh....I like everyone, so whoever and everyone! I enjoy a good sense of humor, people who are able to have a "valuable" conversation and know what they're talkin about. Don't care for bullshitters or those who pretend to be someone they are not. People who are straight up I find to like the most, even if I don't like what they say-at least I know where they stand.
I am a bit of a hard rock, alternative etc, fan. But blues, jazz and classic also are welcomed. Anything that makes me dance in my home naked is good!
I'm all about comedy- nothing scary. Although, I did just watch Pan's Laberynth, and it was GREAT! fantasy stuff grabs my attention.
Boston Legal. Don't really have time to watch tv- better things to do.
a must for everyone- the power of one- followed by tandia, same author- Jessica
I don't think there's heroes- but I have a huge admiration for both my mom and my sister who have been single parents and have raised (and are raising) great families! How a parent can single handedly raise kids in this day and age are great...I have trouble taking care of myself