Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) profile picture



About Me

Looking for the latest band to make you get up and dance? Look no further than Rosebud. Rosebud is a 5-Piece Pop/Rock outfit with irresistable sing-a-longs led by compelling vocals and complimented by pop-driven guitars and an immaculate rhythm section. Rosebud was conceived when vocalist Edmund Lowman parted ways with his former band, Trouble Is, turned down offers from Gratitude and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus for the role of guitarist and moved to Phoenix from Florida to start his own project. The band most recognizable for their brilliant cover of the 80's favorite "King of Wishful Thinking" is currently planted in Phoenix, Arizona and taking over the regional music scene. Look for these guys to be a house-hold name in 2007 when they will release their 2nd album and look to make their presence known on a stage near you.Rosebud - King of Wishful Thinking

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Member Since: 10/28/2004
Band Members: Edmund Vox/Guitar

Basile Drums

Walker Bass

Matthew Guitar/backups

Ryan Guitar

Influences: LIFE

Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Whats new with Rosebud!!!!

Hello Everyone!!I know its been a very long time since we have had a new blog on the Rosebud site, so I am here to inform you on all the new stuff in the works. First off, we are playing a huge show ...
Posted by Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:58:00 PST

On this Christmas Eve!

Soo everyone it has been a crazy year here for me and the band. First I was moving to arizona then I wasnt and then shaun was in the band and then he wasnt and then about 20 other dudes tried out to b...
Posted by Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 10:53:00 PST


yesterday our drummer basile lost two of his toes on his left foot from a tragic moving accident. This wont put us down for long I promise. He is already trying to play even though he is supposed to b...
Posted by Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 01:20:00 PST

To Everyone

So I was thinking today about life and relationships and all that good stuff. And I just started thinking how crazy it is how people come in out of your life. Sometimes a person comes into your life a...
Posted by Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 08:48:00 PST


So everyone! Just wanted to let you know the show was Killer! for all of you that did come thanks so much. It was a blast I played for about 45mins...and i Played by myself just acoustic...there were ...
Posted by Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

You all RULE!!

Well...I have been having an awsome couple of days..Especially since I found my shirt!! haha...I have been getting tons of love from everyone here on myspace and it is so rad...It makes me so happy to...
Posted by Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Sooooo...I have this shirt that is my favorite shirt in the entire world! (if you look in my pics section its the harley shirt)..So somebody stole it from me I think..Im not positive but I have had t...
Posted by Rosebud (JUNE 10 WITH UNWRITTEN LAW!!) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST