My name is Jonelle and I am a short ninja. *the
end* No, no....I joke, I joke...save the 'short' part. Though
I look quite mousy, spark a fuse and I will be very hot-tempered. I don't like to be nagged. I detest the drama-queens, the flaky fakes of our world.. I
believe no dream is impossible, unless you're a domesticated chicken trying to
fly. I have an ego, yet have reverence for modesty--humble is the way to
go. I admire people with passion and persistence. They pursue their
goals with the greatest tenacity and never give up
Hello Kitty is my hero. Gyoza is my favorite food. I am random. ...to
be continued...
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I am going to make new banners, soon..
"Cell Block Tango"
Yea...they had it comin'.