-meh sherona- profile picture

-meh sherona-

my heart hurts.

About Me

[+] easily influenced
[+] loves the small things in life or the things that aren't really recognized
[+] recently a lover of the "chick flicks" .. (even they are all so predictable) .. b/c they bring hope to my love life -- makes me believe things are possible with someone in the future
[+] wishing on lil dumb supersticious things like the times 12:34, 11:11, when your necklacec clamp touch your charm, shooting stars, etc.
[+] imagining unrealistic things
[-] i think myspace is like a drug
[+] i bite my lip when i'm nervous
[-] i get jealous really easily
[+] i love to sing in the shower
[+] i talk to myself alot
[+] i love to be sarcastic
[+] i love thunderstorms and lightning is the best (when i'm far away watching it)
[+] i have a hard time throwing things away
[+] i love to cuddle
[+] i can be really picky and indecisive but know what i want when it comes around
[+] i tend to push people away when i need them the most
[+] i love the rain
[+] i love to dance in the rain
[+] i can only keep secrets for my closest friends
[+] i love dogs
[+] i love to be alone at times
[+] i think it would be fun to be fat
[+] i love to sleep, when I'm able to
[+] i love speaking LOUD in public or be chill when it's loud
[+] i'm always singing a song in my head
[+] i dont have one particular style
[+] i'm in sac. like all the time
[+] i was on the soccer, track, powderpuff team, did marching band, drumline, colorgaurd, was in the ASB (student govt), and was a conflict manager
[+] i'm a outgoing person
[+] i have an obsession with music, and stories
[+] i love to wear tight shirts
[+] i love to ask people to tell me stories
[+] i love having a busy life
[+] i like to draw, write, and paint/color (but don't really do it all that much)
[+] i'm in a predicament on what i want to do in life
[-] i always fuck things up some how
[+] i can be a hyprocrite and pull double standards even though i REALLY hate it when ppl do it
[+] i have a hard time of letting go of people
[+] i love to party with a numerous about of ppl i know
[+] i hate when people judge me
[+] i feel i am much more complicated then most ppl can understand
[+] i hate people who talk shit behind your back and cant stand by there word
[+] i hate having my hopes up b/c i'm suceptiable to get hurt
[+] i feel like i'm waisting life if i don't do at least one thing a day
[+] i think my biggest fear is being alone
[+] when i have problems i like to walk
[+] i miss playing duck duck goose in kindergarten
[+] i have many regrets but would do them all over again
[+] i love DCI .. marching, playing, meeting new ppl, and esp. tour
[+] i love depressing music
[+] i say random things all the times
[+] i'm intimidated by smart people but like to show my smarts
[+] i've always wanted to fly
[+] i hate conceided girls
[+] i wish i can start school with a whole new slate of records
[+] i love the color green
[+] i dont want to be president
[+] i love laying on warm rocks by a river or water nude
[+] i absoulutely love logging in on myspace and seeing New Comments, New Picture Comments, New Messages, New Friend Requests
it just brings a smile to my face

Sensitive, imaginative, multitalented, multifaceted, intuitive, compassionate, people oriented, sympathetic, receptive, big-hearted, generous, but can be escapist, unpredictable, irrational, gullible, passive, indecisive, weak, uncertain, clueless, vague, lethargic, vindictive, lazy, self-indulgent -- so me PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

" Life is not the amount of breaths you take; it's the moments that take your breath away..."

I'd like to meet:

i think i found my match

but other than him, an artichoke-kinda person. (& not just because artichokes are my favorite vegetable.) or because i like to compare everything and make up stupid analogies. but because i think so many people are amazing like artichokes. with so many awesome layers eventually revealing a great heart. & the heart is what matters most. ...
until then ..

you can IM at o0akari0o


"Music is the love in my life and with the loves that comes and goes, this is one love that never fails."

i luv all music but these are my fav.

♥ and recently FUNK

an older showing but i'm sure you'll still enjoy ..

this is freelancer 07 "Fahrenheit 411"


i don't really watch a lot of TV but it's always nice to watch a lil every once in a while


before i even start i have to say that the Lord Almighty is my strength and savior ..... he'll be my hero till the very end ....
i know i have said that i don't really have any hero's but i believe i do. my hero's are the ones that have been there for me consistanly and i care about them so much; my loving parents that has made me a life worth everything, the two greatest big brothers a sister could have, since i know they always have my back, Gio, someone i can always go to make me laugh and give me advice (as wierd as that can be), Joel, who has cared about my happiness and well being since i can remember, and my babee Ryan , who is my strength when i am weak, my smile when i am happy, my cushion when i fall, my knight in shinning armor, and my everything. I know i can always go to these people and I surely hope that it's possible that they feel the same. For the others in my life like my twins ..
{from oldest to youngest}

.. you guys mean sOooOo much to me. If anything happened to you guys you gotta understand i wouldn't be as strong as i am now if you weren't there in my life. You guys helped mold me. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! thanks for always being there.

My Blog

im so proud of him!!

the lil black boy in the yellow is my nephew. his name is Kai ... he's got some moves and he's only 5. tell me why tho, he's the only one on his team that is actually trying to do something AND he is...
Posted by -meh sherona- on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:51:00 PST

can i marry her?

..> Ooo dang ... that's my gurl ... she's fuckin sick and if you think other wise i'll fuckin cut you!! lol .. j/k ... but seriously. " target="_self">  " target="_se...
Posted by -meh sherona- on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:02:00 PST

some of my favorite videos ...

..>and i esp. love this video!! ..>some of my fav. music videos ...
Posted by -meh sherona- on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 04:02:00 PST


rock the bells was tight!! spending the whole day with over 1 thousand ppl, hanging outside to see acts that i didn't even get the chance to really enjoy, drinking $8 beers, and standing in line ...
Posted by -meh sherona- on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:18:00 PST


i had so much fun!! thank you for everyone who wished me a happy birthday and for all who came to my get together!!!  it was the best birthday EVER!!! TUESDAY (the day before) Kate and Danielle ...
Posted by -meh sherona- on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:13:00 PST