Lets see about me, I like to drink, but had to cut back, I like to smoke, have to quit, I like to hang out with people who enjoy having fun, I use to be a big mmo freak, I hate them now, I think they are ignorant, and to many people everyday waste what lives they have rotting on them all day, now, don’t get me wrong, I have friends that play them, but when I'm around, it annoys the piss outta me when all the do is sit on a video game and ignore what’s happening in their real life for what’s happening in a computer game, now I still play consol games, but rarely, and when my friends are around I either pop in a multiplayer game or quit playing all together. Yeah I'm young but I’m going to do my living while I can.
lets see what else annoys me, emo kids, cause adult by age or not, your still kids, get over it, go have fun, and if your going to kill yourself do it already and stop whoring the attention you so desperately want but cant get cause you are an emo kid and no one likes you.
lets see, liars oh this should be a good subject, liars blow nuts, and I’m not talking about those people who tell stupid little lies to make themselves look better we all do that from time to time, lying is a part of life everyone does it so don’t get all self righteous on me and say you don’t because then I’m just going to think your an idiot and ill cover idiots later. anyways, now to those of you who lie regularly, or have just told one major lie that has hurt someone badly, you all can blow seriously, if you isn’t got the balls to tell me the truth, then I don’t know why your reading this cause I hate you starting out, so seriously, hit back on your browser now cause you suck and you should die a horrible and painful death.
and now the idiots, those people who try to make themselves seem smarter than they really are by making up bullshit stories and facts, that only a 5 year old would believe, grow up seriously, if you don’t know everything that’s cool, hey, no one does, so don’t try to act like you do, hell, I know a lot about some things, but ill be damned if I know anything about others, I don’t try to fake it, I don’t like looking like an idiot in front of the people I know, though I guess some of you do....
lets see, ill shorten the things that annoy me up a bit, to, braggarts, bible thumpers (yes I do believe in god, but that doesn’t make me a jihad/crusading dumbass who is pushing my religion)and those people who think the sun rises and sets in their ass.. All I have to say to them is, doesn’t it burn?
Ok, now if you aren’t one of these people, and you’re capable of making friends with someone normal, then you can know me. lets face it, I’m an asshole, most things get on my nerves, and to tell you the down right truth, I just don’t give a shit about most anything, unless it matters to me, if it matters then I’m nice sweet kind of and cuddle all those wonderful things, but right when I find it pointless or one of the above, that’s about when the ice starts running through my veins, now there are the few instances where I ignore what annoys me and like someone anyways, those are rare and I can only name one time I've liked someone who was one of those things, so don’t play your luck. Other than that, I am a good person if you can get to know me. I’m just at a time in my life where I’m tired of wasting time with people I can’t stand... -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
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