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“Carry Your Cross†From the cross, to the tomb, to the resurrection, Christ fulfilled His destiny, to overcome sin, and death. He fulfilled the written word, becoming a living sacrifice, coming to earth in the flesh, made to suffer for us, to pay the debt that only He was qualified in doing. Fulfilling the law in which, from Abraham, to all the generation, Without a death there could not have been a resurrection, without a willing soul, there would have not have been a body that could have washed away the sins of the world… As I thought about our new birth, as sons and daughters of Christ, and the process that involves an inward reconstruction done by the Holy Spirit.The more I die to what I want and what I think the closer I become more like Jesus, the more I put Him first and others before myself…We have to be willing and carry out our own commission that involves dieing putting to death our old nature habits our carnal way that is common to all of God’s creatures…In action coming to the His saving knowledge that can only be illuminated by the Holy Spirit in which Jesus gives instruction and the power to fulfill His will in us and through us….Stuff for your blog!
My life is simple God, others, then myself. I like to help others to draw closer to who they are in Christ, not who the world says they are. It is my joy to see the affirmation that only God can give.My wife, and I, enjoy the simple things of life with our three children Alex 8, David 7, and Katherine 4.We also have a heart for the homeless and want to start a ministry here in Wichita Kansas because the need is great, but the workers are few, it is God's heart cry to go out in the highways and byways to reach those in need.Stuff for your blog!
Stuff for your blog!