Music, books, movies, nature, computers, politics, religions and spirituality, esp. Judaism - Zohar, Musar, Rabbi Nachman, Tanya, etc.
People with similar interests who are capable of dissagreeing by presenting rational arguments for their position without hyperbole, emotionalism, or name calling. Jewish 12 Step Group members. Spiritual seekers who are into rational thinking and morality - not just getting "high" off Gurus, Yoga, or meditation (although there's nothing wrong with any of that). Write to me and I'll explain.
Classical (esp. Early Music, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical Periods). Blues (Bessie Smith, Robert Johnson, Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray, etc.), Classic Rock (Cream, Neal Young, Dead, Janis, Stones, Talking Heads, etc.), Jazz (Coltraine, Byrd, Gellispie, Miles Davis, etc.)Old School Soul (James Brown, Wilson Pickett, Solomon Burke, Jackie Wilson, Otis Redding; World Music (Indian, Celtic, Persian, Arabic, Klezmer)
Directors - Scorscese, Jarmush, Woody Allen, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Cohen Bros., Ang Lee, Tim Burton, John Waters,etc. Actors - Robert DiNero, Jeffrey Rush, Jack Nicholson, Ian Holm, Donald Sutherland, James Wood, etc. Movies - Fight Club, Lord of the Rings, The Big Lebowski, Sideways, The Pianist, Blade Runner, Drugstore Cowboy, Sid and Nancy, The Doors, Blue Velvet, etc.
West Wing, Mystery Theater, Masterpiece Theater, South Park, Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, King of the Hill, Scrubs, Lost, The Office, Jon Stewart, Cobert Report, CNN
Cold Mountain, The Zohar (tr. Danile Matt), Power of Now (Tolle), Spiritual Solution to Every Problem (Dyer), Tormented Master - Rabbi Nachman,
Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Ghandhi, Dali Lama, John Kennedy, FDR, Churchill, Lincoln, Jefferson, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Joshua.