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About Me - myPlaylist Creator

My Interests

Drinking, socialising, chatting to the police, visiting the toilet. Crack, Smack, Black, Cake, Coke, MDC, PCP, TCP. Amanda Redman.

I'd like to meet:

my maker in a non-violent way
oh dear
Which Trainspotting Character Are You?

Who I dont want to meet:
dont bother me with your spam, if youre a hip hop "dude" in London wanting to tell me about your gig, for example.Or if you work in a lapdancing club in Arizona. Cos im not fucking interested, ok?
Or if you are in a really shit INDIE band that i wouldnt open the curtains to watch if you played in ma back garden.Fuck off.
AND very important this, just cos I like Neil Young and Billy Bragg DOESNT mean i'm going to add your hippy drippy "folk rock" solo project. So fuck right off, x 20.


Mr Anus and Mr Horribly Charred Infant, aka THE HAPPY FLOWERS. Any band with 'Youth' in the name - Wasted Youth, Youth Brigade, Sonic Youth, Chaotic Youth, Reagan Youth, Youth of Today, Crucial Youth, xYouth of Strengthx, Wild And Full Of Youth, Young Youth, Musical Youth. Neil Young. Not to mention "Easy Lover" by Phil Colins and Phillip Bailey.Cos it's a feckin CLASSIC. Also as genres go, you cant beat a bit of ANAL CAJUN or STUDENT GROOVE


Pit Bull Alsatian Rottweiler Bite Force Contest
people who are really anal about films and go on like theyre Barry Norman or some fucking film critic really get on my teats. These people may be somewhere on the autistic spectrum if you ask me. That said, these are some of the films I have enjoyed. The Godfather. Scarface.Serpico(in fact, most Al Pacino films).Bullit. Duel. Targets. Dont Be A Menace to South Central. Straw Dogs. Dolores Claibourne. Misery. The Debt Collector. Paper Moon. Grizzly Man. Christ-the Movie.Born Into This. Fargo.Vanishing Point(its a crying shame what they did to that Dodge hemi Challenger R/T)


Weir's way(all hail the great tom weir),the cook report, the sky at night, open university, balamory, the powder puff girls


bukowski, hunter s thompson, enid blyton, the hardy boys. Also the old Alan Class comics from the 50s/60s.("spooky worlds", "creepy tales" etc) Does anyone want to sell me some?


bowie, wasnt it? albert tatlock, the Newtown Neurotics eric davidson (its a reciprocal thing) Midge Ure, Stuart Adamson, Billy Mackenzie

My Blog

Fakebook aka Faceache aka Facebook

Trust me people, dont bother. It is even crapper than Bebo if thats possible. If someone asks you to join it, just politely but firmly tell them to go away and lie in their own shite. Useless. That is...
Posted by bawbag on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:51:00 PST

My first blog thingy and The Chameleons

Well i thought i'd give this blog thing a whirl.  Im not really wanting to get anything off my chest. Apart from this massive pile of cancerous phlegm thats been sitting in it since the beginning...
Posted by bawbag on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 06:24:00 PST