My 2 awesome kids, being the best mom I can be, having fun no matter where I am or what I am doing because if you can't have fun why bother, and hopefully someday, somehow ending up where I am supposed to be in life... I am also big time into FOOTBALL( GOOO PATS !!), BASEBALL( GOO ASTROS !! GO RED SOX !!!), anything outdoors, I love to cook, and I love going to the beach.(won't get in the water around here, but hey .. the waves sound good and it relaxes me)
I have met the man I believe God intended me to be with, happiness like this is rare and hard to find, and I thank God everyday he is a part of my life ... other than that, anyone that is up for a good time, and can keep the drama to a minimum. I have a great group of friends, but I am always looking to add to it.
.. the guys from deadliest catch, hank jr, and anyone out there who wants to have one hell of a time... hit me up!!
I LOVE all music from rock to classical, but some of my faves are : KORN, Ozzy, Mudvayne, Blue October, Kid Rock, Waylon Jennings, Willy Nelson, Brooks and Dunn, Dave Matthews Band, Jeff Healey Band, The Fray, and of course .. my redneck side says I must put old country on here ... yeah .. I am a bit off and confused .. it's ok.. the voices in my head say so ...
lyrics - pain
Shrek, Madagascar, American History X, Full Metal Jacket, all of the American Pie movies, Duece Bigalo, Finding Nemo, and all of the Harry Potter movies
DEADLIEST CATCH !!! those guys are fucking awesome !! Law & Order SVU, CSI, Gray's Anatomy, and Extreme Home Makeover
The Good Book, anything by Dean Koontz, Harry Potter, Stephen King, and anything that I have time to read to my kids before bed
MY KIDS...for being able to forgive me for making mistakes that affect them too... anyone who is strong enough to handle whatever life dishes out to them without going mental .... my parents, for putting up with my bad decisions and not judging me for them ...