Shooting Pool~Going Swimming~Bowling~Movies~~Board Games~Card Games~Drinking Games~Cook Outs~Cooking~Hanging Out~Spending Time With My Wife~LeSBiAnS~My Friends~
Some DRAMA FREE FRIENDS to hang out with.I'm tired of the all the fake people trying to be cool. Be you!
Techno~R&B~Hip Hop~Some Rock~
How High~Happy Feet~Over The Hedge~Grease~Mac and Me~Shrek(all of them)~Half Baked~A Long Walk Home~The Simpson's (OMG it was so great)!Ball of Fury~Knocked up~Devil's Reject's~CloverField~Alvin and The Chipmunks~BORAT~
The L Word~Adult Swim~COPS~Weeds~Court TV~Family Guy~Army Wifes~Top Chef~H K~Comedy Central~Ellen~Life Time~A&E~Date Line~Animal Channel~Stupid Criminals~Law and Order~Date My Ex~Maury~
Comics (heh)~ The Secret~
My wife ~ My family ~ My true friends ~