My Million Dollar Body Experience -
New Song, "Elizabeth Bathory Wake Up and Die!"
Download it and share with your friends
Countess Elizabeth Bathory is an ill willed beast of a woman from early 17th Century Transylvania Hungary who systematically tortured, murdered and drained the blood of approximately six hundred and fifty young virgin girls in order to bath in and drink their blood in an effort to revitalize her aging body. I published the full story on my page.
Musical Orgasms Prostitution Ring
I just added a check out section to my myspace page where you can purchase my music. I looked around at other sites to get a pricing idea and most of them go for 99 cents per track. Since the base price is only 36 cents I cut the markup drastically to 49 cents per track so I can still make a cool fourteen cents per track that I sell while cutting prices in half at the same time ;) My catalogue to date is 52 songs so if you want to be super cool you could buy them all for $25.48. Thats about One CD and a Half of another CD if you buy from a major record label. I have SIX CD's Worth of music :-) I refer to my songs as Orgasms so at 52 orgasms thats one hell of a multiple orgasm worth of music *grin* And... since I am selling these Orgasms at 49 cents per Orgasm you could label me a Musical Prostitute and I wouldn't take offense :-) Get off you're butts and support me! With a profit of fourteen cents per CD I plan to buy myself a can of soda when I collect my monthly sales.
You can copy and paste the code on your myspace page or your website if you wish to help me pimp out my Musical Orgasms. So, get in the Musical Orgasms Prostitution Ring and sell!!!
If you like what you hear so far please share the music and send your friends
and tell them how great it is. I am accepting all friend requests.
Isn't that nice of me? :) ^..^
I am also using my myspace page to meet new people. As odd as it may seem I am not in my social element in a noisy atmosphere such as a night club/bar/band venue etc... I am more in my social element in places like museums, restaurants, cocktail lounges and cultural events. Don't get me wrong though I love a good concert but I will be the silent one who is just enjoying the music ;) Right now my main passions in life are outdoors/fishing, music and food. If you like these things you must write me.