Miss Tracie profile picture

Miss Tracie

One day you'll wake up and realize what an amazing girl i am.. but by then.. i'll be waking up to th

About Me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
iM vERy oUTgOiNG... bUT, i'M ALsO sHY wHEn sTArTiNg oFF... SpONtAnEOuS... i LOvE tO gO OUt aNd HAvE a gOOd TiME.. i'M vERy oPEn... CAriNg... i hAvE ALOt Of gOALs aNd aMBiTiONs iN LiFE... i hAvE a gO gEt eM AttiTuDe. iM dELiGhTFuL aNd uNdErStANdiNg. WhEN i LOvE, i LOvE WiTh aLL My hEArT. i bELiEvE iN LOvE aT FirSt SiGht. I dOn'T LiVE in reality often, unless I’m paying bills or taking care of my everyday responsibilities. I love to live in a fairy tale world. I am happy that way and I’m not hurting anyone else by it. I believe I will hit the lottery one day and the day before the numbers are drawn, I constantly day dream about what I can do to change the world with the money I would win. I am bright and brilliant. I go out of my way to make my friends happy, but I know that if anything ever happened to me, they would be the first to drop their own wedding to search for me. I solely live my life by not what I can do for myself, but what I can do for others. That is what brings true inner happiness into my life. I wake up in the morning in search for what I can do next to make someone smile. I am also very naive and I have got shitted on, and taken advantage of. Could I ever hate you? No.. But, I can really dislike you. I put to much trust into people. I love to sleep in till noon on Saturdays and wake up to the neighborhood kids laughing and playing while the sun beams through my window. I love camping, sitting around the campfire, and falling asleep to the sounds of crickets in your ear. I love sitting at the bow of my boat while the boat glides through the waves, the wind blows through my hair, the light mist that hits my face, and the smell of the water. I’m very adventurous and spontaneous. I LOVE to travel! I love to just get up and go. I love driving so long my butt hurts and seeing how much longer I can go with out pulling over to walk it off. I love it when I travel long distances and I wear pajamas and the only shoes I packed were high heels, so when I walk into the gas station, everyone looks at me funny. I LOVE to dance. I dance because I love the attention that I get from it. Sometimes its good attention, other times it’s bad. I love humorous people. I only surround myself with the friends that make me roll on the floor laughing and smiling so hard my cheeks hurt! I have a strong faith in God. I treasure every day that God has given me. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins. I believe in his will, and that he doesn’t give you more then you can handle. I believe that God gives you a gift, and that what you do with it is your gift back to God. Everyone that I have brought in to my life has touched me in some way.. Either by their generosity, love, compassion, hard work, beliefs, knowledge, honesty.. I could go on forever. Besides God, My family and friends mean the most to me! I would put my life and future on the line for every one that I love. ... dude, where are Tracie Nelson's genitals?
On the beach getting a tan
'Dude, where are my genitals?' at QuizUniverse.com..

My Interests

i LOvE tO i LOvE tO dANcE... TAkE mY bOAt OuT On tHE LAkE... TUbE... wAtEr sKi... i LiKE tO gO cAMpiNg iN tHE sUmMEr, cANoEiNg.. i LOvE tO tRAvEL... sLEEp iS aLwAyS gOOd...
Elect Tracie Nelson!

Fighting for your right to par-tay

'What will your campaign slogan be?' at QuizGalaxy.com

I'd like to meet:

cELEbRiTy WiSe.... sANdRA BuLLOcK... mARiLyN mONrOE iF sHE wAS ALiVE... i LOvE hER! sHE iS mY iNSpiRAtiOn, mOTivATiON aNd hAs BEcOMe a cOLLEcTibLE pASSiOn. ELViS pREsLEy, MmMm, hE wAs SOo hANdSOmE!


i hAvE a vErY WidE rANgE oF mUSiC.. fROm... BiLLy jOEL tO jOnNy LAnG, tO fRAnK SiNAtRA, tO mUdVAyNE, tO tHE EAgLEs, tO ArETha FrANkLiN... tO ThE bEAtLEs.. tO HAnK WiLLiAMs Jr... tO JOhNNy cASh.. GEorGe StRAiT... to ANyThiNg i CAn sHAkE mY BooTy To... i LOvE iT ALL..


CiNdErELLa... iN LOvE n wAR... iT's A wONdERfUL LiFE... tHE NOtEbOOk... fOOtLOOsE... ShAg... NOw aNd ThEN... tHE LiTtLE mERmAiD... DiRTy dAnCiNg... wEddiNg cRAshErS... ZoOLAndEr...


AmERiCA's NeXT TOp MOdEL... ExTrEMe MAkEOvER HOmE EdiTiOn... WiLL-N-gRAcE... FRiENds... mY NAmE iS EArL... tHE OffiCE... rEaL wOrLD... AnY AwARd's sHOw... WhEEL oF FOrTUnE... dEAl or nO dEAL... cArdiNALs bAsEbaLL!!


a FArEwELL tO ArMS bY ErNESt hEMiNgWAy... aNd i eNjOy rEAdiNg mAgAZiNEs..


mY MoThEr