Heat Miser profile picture

Heat Miser

i'd rather be too busy then too broke…

About Me

creative consultant / intellectual property proprietor / cool muthafucka / landlord of quillvellum.com / coffeetable book creator / media terrorist / victim of myspace peer pressure
the main thing that defines is my body of work and the career path i've taken. i've done special effects for commercials and films, wrote for national magazines, marketed Nike, built celebrity websites, designed graphic user interfaces for the FAA and Boeing, written tv, radio, and print commercials and ads, co-edited the opening credits for Saturday Night Live, worked at fashion companies, and other gigs here and there.
i am quill and i make hot shit.
i am quill and i am able.
born in the 70s. child of the 80s. recidivist of the 90s. renaissanced in the 21st century.
kindergarten king of naptime catholic elementary school dean of detention high school hopper college king of credits and the pope of the halls
student worker creative entrepreneur man of leisure
recidivist vice-lord demagogue misanthrope miscreant

My Interests

people, places, and things. money and power. intellectual property and real estate. internal and external. mind, body, and the stuff that exists between the two. women. interpersonal relationships. the workings of the mind. the machinations of the body. basically whatever.

I'd like to meet:

personally: my doppleganger, the doctor who birthed me, and the jackass who clipped me and tore the ligaments in my knee.
professionally: people to contribute to my two intellectual property ventures – quillvellum.com (home of manlogic) and my coffeetable book.
socially: any1ne interesting enough to make me want to have a online conversation with…


michael (when he was still black)
shit. i got 550 gigs of music. my shit runs all genres.


City of God, Godfather Duo (III didn't count), Hero, Infernal Affairs, the original Shaft, Carmen Jones, Superfly, spaghetti westerns, etc.
shit i took film in college. i could go on for days.


The good stuff HBO pushes
nothing on BET
The good stuff on FX
ESPN (except anything with Stuart Scott on it)
NFL Network and NBATV
AMC, FMC, and TCM (old movies, y'all)
all that educational shit on Discovery, History, National Geographic, Animal Planet, Military, Biography and the rest of them channels.
and when i blaze it up, Skinamax (late nite cinemax on friday and saturday nites)


survival of the prettiest
the myth of monogamy
creative origami
rich dad, poor dad
the dictionary
the multi-orgasmic man
the tao of sexuality
hughes, mosley, shakespeare,gaiman, moore.
shit, i was an english major. this is endless.

My Blog


Hancocked. signed my contract with my literary agent. official.now i count the days until the advance money comes through and i toss a gala event celebrating the fact and invite all of my 16 myspace f...
Posted by Heat Miser on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 08:14:00 PST


the book:2 of the 4 agents i emailed hit me back. one doesn't do coffeetable books. the other is interested and wants to talk about it, but has yet to reply to my reply. the nonsense continues& delive...
Posted by Heat Miser on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 05:02:00 PST

I'm bad at this&

alright now. the latest: the book: at the end of last year, beginning of this year i was in negotiation with a literary agent to rep me and my book, but due to sudden circumstances, said agent wasn...
Posted by Heat Miser on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 05:47:00 PST

peer pressure is a muthfucka&

i'm tired of people asking me if i 'myspace.' alright now, stop asking me. i'm playing along. never mind the fact that i have 4 or 5 urls that i could use instead of this. this space will be dedica...
Posted by Heat Miser on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 12:05:00 PST