this is my disclaimer:
My name is Allison.
I will break your heart, it happens all the time.
I have many unappealing habbits, but I'm not willing to change just to fit the mold of what most think I should be.
I dont need your love at every moment of the day
I'm a free spirit, and i could survive with no friends at all
I make my own fun, and do things on my own.
You will be drawn to this, and coinsidently, it will be the thing
That will piss you off most about me
I have become restless in my own skin. I want an adventure, or a voyage. Something to challenge me to do new things. To make daring choices. I want something to happen.
I have learned that sagacity and quick wits are necessary in avoiding dangerous situations; and that fatuity and shortsightedness make one go around in circles, seemingly unaware of the many opportunities for escape. I have learned that good deeds advance one positively in life, and lead to a greater and fuller development of self; and that bad deeds accomplish the contrary. I have learned that good always invariably triumphs over evil; that having brains is often better than having brawn, and that underdogs in all situations of life need to have unlimited patience, resiliency, stubbornness and unshakable hope in order to triumph in the end. I have learned to prefer peace to war, cleverness to stupidity, love to hate, sensitivity to stoicism, humility to pomposity, reconciliation to hostility, harmony to strife, patience to rashness, gregariousness to misanthropy, and creation to annihilation. You're a product of our language and our laws, how our laws are, and how we believe our God wants us. If you think you're original, you're not. You're a product of everyone you've ever known. Every bitty molecule about you has been thought out by some million people before you. Anything you can do is boring and old and perfectly okay. You're safe because you're trapped inside your culture. Anything you can conceive is fine because you can conceive it. You can't imagine any way to escape. There's no way you can get out. The world is your cradle and your grave. No matter how careful you are, there's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention.
Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel some day. Sometimes your best way to deal with shit, is to not hold yourself as such a precious little prize. No matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges too close. Only when we eat up this planet will god give us another. We will be remembered more for what we destroy than what we create. When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves.
good luck figuring me out.
but most of all::
i dont care what you mindless people think of me
LAYOUT BY: East Coast Designz
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