Drawing, painting, photography, software, Research, Engineering, design, programming, reading, outdoor activities, nature, sun, beach, kayaking, camping, people, people, people, people, people, ...
I listen to everything My taste varies depending on my mood
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, The Matrix (none of the sequels though), the butterfly effect, Crash, International movies, Independent movies
No, thank you
The Alchemist, Da Vinci code (only the fiction part of it), Eleven Minutes, Teachings of Don Juan, Drawing on the right side of the brain, and a bunch of other metaphysics, cognitive psychology, technical and fiction books. Currently reading: Orwell's 1984
Those who follow their dreams with passion, dedication and commitment. Those who walk their journey in life, knowing that life is all about learning from mistakes, not trying to avoid them. Those who try to find what life is all about, refusing to take for granted some rules that happen to be there. Those who stop being what they were, and become who they are. Those who are not afraid of trying and failing.