Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th profile picture

Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th

Tha Double Box is finished!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

“A Star is Born”

On February 18, 1976, a star was born. Stan White II, who would later to become known as Lee Earl, was destined to be a star. He would shine in any situation that he was in and in any circumstances that surrounded him. By the age of 3 Lee Earl learned to have a keen ear for music all of all types. Being born in the mid-west allowed him to be exposed to many types of music from the East Coast to the West Coast as well as Southern Music.
”Hip hop was what I wanted to do in any shape, form, or fashion, I just didn't have the support and honestly you are not going to find it where I grew up” ---Lee Earl
Being from a bi-racial background allowed him to be exposed to a huge variety of music styles and types. Being raised in Oklahoma was a blessing and a curse for Lee Earl. The blessing came as confidence and knowledge that you do not have to conform or be like others to be accepted by others. The curse came simply because Oklahoma was, and is, limited when it comes to opportunities in life and music. Earl states he is inspired mainly by other artist’s wordplay, lyrics, delivery/cadence of vocals and consistency. He also states there are far too many artists to name that have influence but his knowledge of hip hop and ability to memorize thousands of songs has helped him in creating his own music. Many people agree that Lee Earl has an uncanny ability to recite and remember others verses, hooks ideas, or skits…..if he liked it or heard it, it is stored in his memory!
Lee Earl has attempted cracking into the music game many times. His 1st shot was in 2004 with a local label named STAY TRUE RECORDS run by Mike Johnson out of Santa Cruz, Ca. With Stay True RECORDS he was finally able to record his vocals onto disc and EQ, mix, and master a majority of his tracks. His first recordings were very raw. You could hear the potential but could tell that that it was just not there yet.
Then came a trip back home to Oklahoma and CEO Josh Taylor of WEIGHT PRODUCTIONS saw something he could use in Lee Earl. Little did Earl know, but that time spent with WEIGHT PRODUCTIONS would soon become the sound that the world would crave. In late 2005, he teamed up with the group SMOKLAHOMA, a diverse group of MC's all from Oklahoma. He was added to their 2nd Disc entitled STILL SMOKIN' PT 2. There was a local buzz and a bit of a buzz in California for the CD, but with members being in 2 different states and the grind of daily life, the CD never received national recognition and the group never reached its full potential.
Lee Earl used that experience as motivation and went on to work with another person he grew up with, this time, it would be in San Diego. The project was to be called "Regular People.” A group meant to represent all the regular people who work 9 to 5 jobs. In January of 2006, Lee Earl went to San Diego, Ca to start the project. All was going well. The tracks were laid, vocals spit but at the last minute, the producer decided to not release the tracks and the whole project was put on hold. That is when the light hit and Earl realized that putting his future in the hands of other people was not the way to go. After being in the game for over a year and having seen very little progress he decided to go back to where he started.
In November of 2006, he went back home…..WEIGHT PRODUCTIONS. Tracks were laid, vocals spit but with conflict and issues with the group SMOKLAHOMA, Earl was forced out of the group and into the a group called "Zo-Funk". Zo-Funk is a group based out of Watsonville, Ca. and Lee Earl found a home there. After working with Zo-Funk CEO Benzo B. Bizin, he was able to focus on his solo project that started 2 years earlier and at the end of it all came. LOYALTY, a 16 track project that would define him and his expectations from others in his family. Lee Earl's "LOYALTY" CD dropped in April of 2007.
After a year of pushing it and working with other local artists Lee Earl noticed something, his moods were changing based on when he got to record and how long it was taking the tracks to get back to him. In short, Mr. Moody was born. Lee Earl’s latest project is called – Tha Double Box- "Starring Mr. Moody". This is a double disc and is sure to set him apart from the mainstream as well as the average rap artist. There are 3 main producers slated for this project: Aldojah from Nurpilistic Records, Benzo B. Bizen from Zo-Funk Music Group and Mugzo from Ghetto Ballin' Entertainment
Lee Earl - My Space Whore & Stop Lying & Cryphin'
Join the official Ghetto Ballin' Entertainment mailing list for news, appearances, and more on your favorite artists like Lee Earl.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/9/2006
Band Website: theleeearl.com
Band Members: For features/booking email:
[email protected]
(serious inquiries only)

Exclusively represented by
Ghetto Ballin' Entertainment

Influences: Any artist..........from good to shitty, you have either inspired me to be better than you.....or to be better than you !!!!!!!
Record Label: Ghetto Ballin' Entertainment
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Double Box - Starring: Mr. Moody

Lee Earl took some time off to refine his flow and have a new start. He linked with Mugzo of Ghetto Ballin' Entertainment and initiate the recording at The Hard Knox Factory. He took the time to get t...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 07:51:00 PST

Songs from the new CD coming !!!!!!!!!

31 Tracks.........but only 4 can represent......Hmmmm????   I went out and did some work on myself, sharpened up my skills and posted some flyers to bring out all the haters and what not from thi...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 07:18:00 PST

Hard Knox Factory

Check out the Hard Knox Factory myspace if you're out in the 831 and need studio time! Come and check out the cleanest studio in the area! Let em know that Lee Earl sent you. http://www.myspace.com/th...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 01:56:00 PST

RIP Almighty Aziz

There is no other way to say.........losing a friend sucks. Especially when they were taken early in their life. I have written about 10 different things, and erased them all........................Az...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:15:00 PST

Aziz James Memorial Fund

ANYBODY wanting to donate money to help with Aziz's family with funeral arrangements, you can do so by going to ANY Wells Fargo Bank NATIONWIDE & depositing into ACCOUNT 8174433048. Any donations ...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:56:00 PST

New Track- Sexy Gangstas

You dudes got America fooled.......and the rest of the world.....granted you may have $1000 dollars that you wrapped in a rubber band and you might have a strap that someone loaned you for the video b...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:17:00 PST

Devin The Dude in Santa Barbara!!

Dont miss out Devin The Dude in Santa Barbara!! April 19,2008 with special guest The Lee Earl!!...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 04:25:00 PST


Yo.......... hit me back if you know what this is.......ladies too !!!!!!!
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:13:00 PST

2 Worlds- 1 state of mind-Cryphy

I'm from the Southern area of the US or Midwestern.....depending on how bad you wanna hate..........and now I live on the West West.........I came from Crunk...and moved to Hyphy.........soooo......Wh...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 01:39:00 PST


My people........... Get what you can out of life........I lost another friend in 2007 to some bullshit. Not everyone is perfect and we all have dirt.......but people that go before their time doesn't...
Posted by Lee Earl...Club Avalon October 10th on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 09:35:00 PST