...Thanks girls for the best 21st!!....
...how did we get so drunk??...GREY GOOSE....
...first roomie pix!!...5 months later...
..This picture defines me..
Yay CJ girls at the good old prospector..
Jeez there are sooo many people i would love to meet....first Brad Pitt... for obvious reasons....i also would love to meet Tom Welling...who?...hes superman on smallville...hes so gorgeous...green eyes, dark hair, muscles....wow...also i know it sounds weird but i would really luv to meet the leprechaun from lucky charms..and the red power ranger...oohhh and a hobbit....more recently i want to meet justin timberlake because he is so HOTTTT!!!I TOOK THIS QUIZ TO GET ADRIANA ON MY PAGE...I THINK SHE IS SO GORGEOUS...
Take the quiz: "Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?"
Adriana Lima
You are wild,crazy,exotic, and love to wear as little as possible!
I love all kinds of music...actually thats a lie...but for the past 2 years i have been in this huge rap stage...i dont know if its cuz i am from the lbc or maybe its because i have mad rhymes and can flow really well..i also am loving JUSTin timberlake right now and i am obsessed about the pussycat dolls!!
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