who we are
if you live in the downtown area of savannah, chances are you will recognize at least one of us (probably more, because we travel in packs). at one point in time we have refilled your drink or asked you whether you'd like fries, beans, or cole slaw with your meal. we are the servers of the lovely and deliciously addictive b&d burgers.work is like a family for us. we like to take pictures, meet new people, and go to "stog's". we dont like cheap people. if you left us a bad tip at any point in time then don't bother talking to us. because we remember... and we hate you.
this page is mostly for shits and giggles. Its run by me, Nontra. I'll add more on here whenever my classes aren't kicking my ass. enjoy.
oh yeah, and... "bring it on."
The Ladies:
kendall: nicknames: nacho, nana, narnia, prncsspipi, no.1
favorite color: PINK
food of choice: seaweed salad, the lucas burger, anything with texas pete hot sauce
item i can't live without: jeans, tote bag, and my pink razr
can't stand: people who lie about random, insignificant things for no reason, bad tippers, when someone tells me how to dress
wants to be: the biggest and best designer in the world. watch me
amy: the quiet one. regulars know her well because she's been working there forever too. doesn't like most people. but does her job well. has a thing for stella artois and guys who like to drink it (haha). doesnt want to make small talk with you, shes just wants to give you her food and go back to reading the tabloids that nontra left under the counter last night. enjoys quiet nights in her televisionless home with the boyfriend that thinks we're all crazy.
kelsey: left the freaking burger world and all of her friends behind at the end of '05 to go study law or something like that. Known for her knowledge beyond her years--- we never felt like she was younger than us. has a thing for a certain military guy. acquired a MAJOR shopping problem when she met ursula, me, and the others.
- nicknames: kels, faker, lulu, twin, "ursula's cousin."
favorite color: teal
food of choice: bbq, Italian, Mexican
drink of choice: wine, wine, wine, if not tequila
item i can't live without: Ursula…the oc, cell phone [okay, i see how it is...]
can't stand: liars, and cocky people [then what are we, kelsey?]
wants to be: prosecuting attorney for psychologically damaged children, and a Mom
andrea: miss popular. knows everyone. and i mean EVERYONE. has a strange obsessions with SUPERMAN? (ooh la la). will find something to talk to you about no matter what. don't worry, she has your number, and your sisters, your boyfriends best friend's, and his father's.
kiki: the crazy little asian one. nontra's younger counterpart. self-proclaimed asian hater but has more asian friends than all of us combined. this one beats bitches (and guys) up. likes tattoos, piercings, and expensive purses. doesnt hang out as much because she probably busy kicking someone's ass.
- nicknames: kik, kikz, kikster, little one, shorrty, nikki, nik
favorite color: teal & hot pink
food of choice: thai.. mostly anything asian..
item i can't live without: my holy trinity of electronics - cell phone, ipod, and digital camera
can't stand: people who are cheap, fake, or rude; clowns; drains or grates or anything one can fall through; insects
wants to be: a rockstar
ursula: the temptress. hands down the burger sexpot. nobody has a larger following of men (all ages) than this one. talks quietly until you get her started--- then she doesnt take a breath. likes designer glasses, purses, jeans, shirts, dresses, keychains... you name it. loves paris hilton. super server. don't go near her because despite how hard you try to fight it she'll put you under her spell. "you know what i mean?"
julia: loves london, men, fosters, and men. queen of the camera. missing a picture? did it not quite turn out on your own? she has it from 30 other angles. i guarantee it. likes to get excited about things. oh yeah, and she likes men.
jessica: left last summer to get out of the savannah rut. always the conservative one. by far the best server to ever walk through the doors of our restaurant. the only girl to protest wearing the st. patrick's day shirts ("No luck required, Bring it On!"). gets in screaming fights with the largest of the kitchen staff. don't look at her chest while she's talking to you... because she'll call you out on it.
erin: new to the burger world. has the cutest boyfriend ever. likes harry potter and the like. also doesn't hang out as much... but we'll change that.
shayda: on again, off again employee. big fan of the lucas and sweet potato fries (who isn't?). couldn't tell you when she worked there because she got hired and quit so many times. it's been awhile but she's still one of us.
ashley m.: Hollywood. spunkier than all of us. thats why she's going to be a star. left b&d to return to Los Angeles and pursue her acting career. threw the first "passion party" the 912 has ever had. she was too big for savannah... but that's what we loved about her.
lindsay: the playmate. one of the first burger group outings was to watch linds in all her glory at the bikini contest. these days shes just as happy doing something a little different. = ) loves hanson. has a tendency to become obsessed with people with long blonde hair, i.e. Taylor Hanson, Jenna Jameson...
megan: the hostess just itching to be a server (ooo shes going to be a good one, i can feel it). we don't see much of her because shes always with her boytoy. catches colds easily.
nick: gets more girls than ANYONE. another on again, off again employee. hangs out with burger girls like its his job. doesnt like waiting on the men because he knows that theyre not craving JUST a burger. likes neck ties, figuring out what the "next big thing" is before anyone else, and long island ice teas. the only person on the face of the earth who thinks K-Fed should stick around.
savannah: yes, her name is savannah and no, she is not FROM here. is chronically late for work. gets in trouble for spending the night at boys' houses. never comes out with the girls because she has to pick her brother up from school or she'll get charged a fee for being late (im going to start charging a fee when you're late for work, biatch).
courtney: moved to savannah with her boyfriend. always wants shifts. her favorite word is "poop" and any variation of it (i.e. "poopie pants", "poopface", etc.). yes, it is weird but i think we've all gotten used to it. except when she writes it on the host stand. we knew she would work out at b&d because her second day she came in saying "ummm i just spent 400 dollars on jeans at this 'belle bleu' store and now im broke".... we've all been down that same road, courtney...
ashley b.: ash got married this past summer and we havent seen her much since. we like to joke about how she was the lucky one to meet ray first (so hot...). but we are happy for her. ashley enjoys b&b, the rail, and other various bars as well as changing her hair color/style every other week or so.
becca: undoubtedly the "nice girl" of the entire group. becca is petit, quiet, and wonderful. i dont have anything funny or witty to rag on her about so we'll just leave it at that.
anne: the newest addition to the burger bunch. does the ride and smoke on her bike everyday immediately after her shift. posts scandalous pictures of herself from "fetish night" on the internet. thinks nontra is hardcore OCD. ate at b&d a good three years before she decided to get a job there.
And here we have the BOSS . opened the burger joint about 4 years ago. thinks that our myspace page is "pompous" (is that even spelled right?!) but i disagree. I did not write anything self-centered on this page at all... just descriptions, so there. David has two wonderful children and an awesome restaurant with spectacular servers (okay, maybe that was A LITTLE confident). Always has a beer in his hand in pictures taken out with us. has a british/california/southern accent which is often mistaken for australian. thinks bud light sucks, drinks miller lite. "ice fishing is fucking boring". keeps the girls in line when the restaurant gets out of control (rarely, if ever... duh). the thing we like (and dislike) most about david is that he's not afraid to tell you what's up... even if it's not something you want to hear.
to be continued... i have mythology reading to do...