Alright first off, check out our website bitches! Its got a message board,
calender where you can see all ou showdates (and be able to get reminders sent to you or forward to your friends), gig pictures, and alot more!
DO IT!!!!
Also our myspace page might not always have all our shows so don't trust it... head over to our website and check our calendar to be sure
Second of all, if you want to know when our next show is, don't trust our myspace calendar, as we don't always keep it updated. To stay up to date, you have 2 choices. The first way is a little easier - just type your email here and hit submit.... and don't worry, we won't share your email with anyone
Sign up for our newsletter
The second way is cooler, but only if you're into RSS news feeds. Just click on the following link to get all our latest events sent to your browser as an RSS feed. To read the feed, you just need either firefox or Internet Explorer 7 or better, or to download a feed reader here .
Click here for our RSS feed!
Wuddup all !! We're ProjectPS and we roxor (omfg). You can see more pictures, download free MP3's, find showdates, chat on our message board, and more by checking out our website (click the links above).
Mike Peralta and John Simmonds, masterminds behind this musical revalation, are here to simply pour their heart and souls into your mind. They seek out all who can appreciate what it means to "feel the music" as PPS front man Mike Peralta explains to Decepicon Staff. They do what they do and you will like it. Plain and simple.
The year was 2004. The setting California. Molded from the aftermath of numerous garage bands heavily saturated by the powerful rock n roll scream of youth. PROJECT PS was born.
John Mike Peralta, John Simmonds, and occasionally a drummer they like to call "Amy" focus mainly on their unplugged performances to bring their fans and audiences in for a closer look at music. Wanting only for a new fan to walk away with a new love for music. To be able to feel the music and not just hear it.
Playing shows anywhere and everywhere, you are bound to see their name in bright lights or on a flyer on a street corner. Swing on over to their official website for links to photo shoots, show dates, mp3's, merchandise, and be sure to sign up on their rather enjoyable email list! (That's right guys if your reading this which you better be, now you have to make it enjoyable and not just pretend anymore! Just kidding!) Check out hte show section for updates on their shows as we get them here at DR. Thanks for everyone who read this now go check out the fucking band!
Heres a clip of us playing "New Girlfriend" at the cat club in hollywood. If the video is slow, hit play then pause, and let it load for awhile!
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