Here's the history of our medicine. Human: "I have a sore throat." 2000 BC : "eat this root" 1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer." 1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir." 1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill." 1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic." 2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, Here why dont you eat this root." music. poetry. nature. sex. love. joy. pain. suffering. nirvana. politics. humanity. Energy Medicine. .................................................... "He who knows others is wise, he who knows himself is Enlightened" ~Lao Tzu......................................................... ..... "Your physical health is a process of constant rebalancing. In truth, you are only as healthy as your present state of happiness. Happiness follows acceptance. What is is what is. When this is truly appreciated, peace appears and the balance point will be found. For many people, some of the greatest, most potent experiences of inner peace have occurred in the midst of the greatest turmoil. When there is nothing left to grab hold of, the still point is found." -Peter Ragnar...................................................... .... "Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment." -Nikola Tesla
Myself. That would be trippy.
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