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soul- one

Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God.

About Me





My Interests



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I'd like to meet:



Well there IS this one chick from L.A….


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I dig Jazz baby; I keeps it old school like Aqua-Velva:

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just bought one; after NINE years. Yeeeeaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!



...Ralph Ellison...



"Nuff said!!.."

I'd also have to say this boawh....

Other than that, most heroes are overrated......... But, if I had to choose one, I'd say my grandmother. Hands down. The rest are all either dead, or well on their way. It's interesting; the thing about old people is just that:... they're OLD. That means that they've lived through most of the bullshit we complain about everyday..... and they still keep on truckin.' I admire that quality to no end. I hope to GOD that I live to break 90.

I want to have something to reflect on; something to leave behind....a legacy. I want to be as much of a success in life now, to the point that someone in the future will be mentioning my name when they're asked who their hero's are.

...(Thanks Tankie!)...


My Blog

11......Top Ten Reasons why I need a girlfriend

10. I'm tired of just arguing with moms... 'think i wanna.... "switch it up" a bit. 9. Downloading porn keeps crashing my hard drive8. I have feelings too. I would like someone to aknowledge this o...
Posted by soul- one on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:36:00 PST shit, it's Thursday........

Thursday August 3rd.....It's still hot here in Philly.Swealtering actually.Why do homeless people wear mad layers of clothing when it's fuckin' hot?Don't they KNOW it's hot? C'mon...they GOTTA know......
Posted by soul- one on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 01:04:00 PST

.....9.......A yo...Fuck EVERYBODY!!!!......

I'm so fuckin' hot......................................................... .........and not in a figurative way, like I'm all into myself an' shit; I mean LITERALLY.I'm hot as FUCK. It's like 90º or s...
Posted by soul- one on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 08:30:00 PST

...8...Dear Summer.. (**Thankx Jay- Z, Jim Jones**)

Once again, listenin' to mixtapes, the kid starts to feel it..... ;) Read this joint along to the "Dear Summer" track by Jay- Z or the Dip' Set's Jim Jiz-ones. Inspiration is the shit!!! I only write...
Posted by soul- one on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 03:22:00 PST

...7... Favorite Brews

After the Whiskey/Scotch, Peach Schnappes, and pineapple is done, these are the finest libations I feel take the edge off. In NO particular order (except decending), here they are: 10. Hop Devil 09. G...
Posted by soul- one on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 02:40:00 PST

...6....Some of My Life (pt.1..unfinished)

"No idea is originalthere's nothing new under the sunIt's never what you do but how it's done" -NasWord life. I was just listining to that song (well, more so the BEAT really) on "Lost Tapes" and got ...
Posted by soul- one on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 01:40:00 PST

I've seen my new wife...she's on "Myspace"...

Yeah it's true. I said it.
Posted by soul- one on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:00:00 PST

..5..Ya NOT Really Drunk....

Ya' know, myspace is a veeeeeery interesting place. It really allows one to peer inside the depths of human deprevity. No, Honestly. People put themselves on display like carnival acts to either satis...
Posted by soul- one on Thu, 04 May 2006 06:49:00 PST

...4.. How I Do's...

I dis-able HTMLwhen I chirp like nextelBounce from coast to coastFeel the MimosaEffect well.I can't stressthe fact thatI was medicatedGod blessedI meditatedself motivatedand educated...I played it coo...
Posted by soul- one on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 08:13:00 PST

...3.. Tribute to Ghostface Killa...

They say that imitation is the most SINCEREST form of flattery.......I dunno what happened last night, but whatever it was, I woke up this morning feelin' inspired by Ghost. Maybe it's cuz I think he'...
Posted by soul- one on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:27:00 PST