new people, ideas, music, pictures; cute pink paisley strat with Fralin pickups and Torres harness through Duncan fuzz, Dunlop q-zone, MXR phase 90, and Ned Clayton booster into Bassman; lindt dark chocolate bar, doctor who, ben s., stay up late, get up early, TG+ box, tascam 4tk cassette recorder, stolichnaya, enchiladas, solitaire, sri whipple art.
dames in distress.
45 Grave plays "Wax" on New Wave Theatre!
Countess Bathory
mole people.
experimental music freaks.
smoking pigs.
I would like to meat an ice girl.
JARBOE "ANHEDONIAC" OH YES!!!!!, Mars, early Gun Club, Country Teasers, anything Miss Kittin, Lip Cream, Creatures, anything Cold Spring label, Gary Glitter, Slits, Diamanda Galas, Tabata, old White Zombie, Ian Dury, Cabaret Voltaire, MERZBOX (thanks roger!),Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, Coil, Starday label trucker stuff, Glass Candy, Chrome, Nina Hagen, Suckdog, Black Randy, Masonna, Germs, 45 Grave, Velvet Underground, Bags...and stuff.
there are are only two kinds of movies:
(1) science fiction
(2) non-science fiction
only one is worth watching.
Thanks Tia at Red Light Books for these.
a poison green drink.
who says you gotta be "attractive"?