"Parcours Vita" is a parcours sportif near my home town. "Cher Saddam" is a song about the friendship between the dictator and Chirac in the 70's, when Jacques was selling weapons to this country. I wrote it before Saddam was killed. Olaz is a song about a planet made of oil. "This is land is your land" is my version with the gorgious Florence Manlik singing and Fashion Flesh (check our friends below) turning the knobs.
Born in 1966, Toog endured a lonely upbringing. At the age of 10, trying to escape an alcoholic father, Toog is sexually molested by a family friend. His parents divorce. Toog lives with his subversive radical mother, and begins to dress up in women's clothing. In 1985, he stars in a porno film. The film quickly becomes a phenomenon. It was unprecedented. The FBI later estimated that Toog Goes to Hollywood had probably grossed at least $600 million. The same year, Toog was arrested after fleeing a shooting at Club Palace in Paris, for criminal possession of a firearm. Toog was also convicted on felony narcotic possession charge, for trying to sell cocaine. He stayed in jail for three months. In 1987, Toog beats a photographer, and he is sentenced to one year probation. In 1993, Toog allegedly stole a pair of sneakers, threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend, threatened a security guard and finally ended up in a drug treatment facility. In 2004, Toog's having an audience with the Pope. Pope advises him to continue with music career, and not switch to ministry work.TOOG: "6633" (1999/2000: LE GRAND MAGISTERY/BMG/DARLA - USA; FLAVOUR OF SOUND - Japan; CHERRY RED - UK)
TOOG: "LOU ETENDUE" (2004; feat. ASIA ARGENTO produced with DIGIKI: KARAOKE KALK - World)
TOOG: soundtrack for the novel "AME SOEUR" by YVAN AMERY ( La Volte /Le Seuil, 2005)