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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a silly, waifish fop who likes to attempt creativity. Please check out my main blog at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Serge G. for Apple (above), Momus (below)

Slavoj Zizek on Boston TV--a must see! (below))Momus Nervous Heartbeat--This is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. The video is okay.

Pizzicato Five--I LOVE the dancing chefs!Stereo Total is actually very accessible for a band that sings in, like, five different languages. This song is too cute.I am naked - Stereo Total

Add to My Profile | More VideosWatch the amazing Konki Duet play cardboard instruments in the video for their song Inflammable just below. They are as sexy as Stereolab to me, pinky swear!

My Blog

See regularly updated blog at

I no longer publish my entries here, but if you feel inclined, please check out my main blog at for reading!a'a
Posted by on Wed, 02 May 2007 22:39:00 GMT

On ambient television.

Something I read about a while back on Click Opera, the blog written by musical artist Momus reminded me of something I've been doing for years. He wrote about something he called "ambient television"...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 01:16:00 GMT

Real and Fake.

It's fun to compare the real and the fake. Sometimes, it's hard to tell them apart from each other, or sometimes the fake is even better than the real thing, like the cardboard surveillance cameras by...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 18:30:00 GMT

Delicious dragonflies.

Tonight, I went to Ubiquitron for Juliann's going-away party where some ladies wrestled for us in cherry Jell-o. The air was literally pink with the aroma and the girls enjoyed themselves immensely. E...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 04:00:00 GMT

Rock Around The Bunker

Here is the concept by Randall Stout for our new art gallery. It looks like a computer drawing, you say? Well, it should go very nicely with our City Hall.Every time I walk past Gene Dub's City Hall I...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:59:00 GMT

Letraset as currency.

Body: Today I went to the dusty Ubiquitron Headquarters to do a cameo role in a film called "Bloodules" by Henry Chesterfield and Juliann Wilding. It's a dark little film about a strange little g...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 17:17:00 GMT

The Edmonton Police Service

(no pretty visuals here, unfortunately)I was crossing the street on Whyte Avenue tonight, and in a crosswalk a black SUV (or equivalent) pulled up just a little too close for comfort while I was cross...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 02:18:00 GMT

My Baby Portable Picture.

I bought my first digital camera two months ago, and I carry it with me everywhere. I can't imagine not having one.I still love my old slab of metal with it's shutter like a guillotine, in fact I favo...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 22:12:00 GMT

Some incongruences in my life.

Body: I no longer work in a trinket store. I don't cavort around hot mothers and teenage girls flirtatiously anymore. I don't work with nubiles and motherly figures. I used to be paid shit for be...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 18:07:00 GMT

Catfight! at ArtsHab!

Body: Arts Hab has put up a nice show called Catfight!, and on Thursday night I stumbled in to catch a glimpse of it. My original plan was to make both Catfight! and The Apartment Show in the sam...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 14:47:00 GMT