The Indian piece was done with tribute in mind. A screen print, it was finished on thin light brown paper. For character, an accidental...or was it? burn hole was added.~~The Cityscape with the paint bucket, is my way of saying leave your mark on this world.~~Billy Idol and Eddie Vedder both have lyrics to influential songs by the artist scribbled down or across or through the canvas. It made the artists seem immortal.~~Mr. Einstein has a phrase for all to understand the complexity of his brain. Figure it out, I'm not your slave.~~The Fallout Shelter piece was an experimental test. ~The Flower one has special meaning for me. I don't care what meaning you, if you so decide to purchase it, dedicate to this work. I'm not that kind of artist.~~The orange, half-faced, yellow drippy one is a sort of Peter Maxish shout out.~~The Fabric one was difficult to produce. It shows me that things can grow even if something, in this case material, attempts to hold it low. Grow on little flower.
Speak nicely, smile, but always be at ready to do something seriously destructive.