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Sparkles of Light

Phenomenally Optimistic Cream-filled Quest of Me ..img src=

About Me

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I'm a 24 year old male seeking out my page in the book of life. I currently live in Memphis, TN and work in Hospitality & a Diet Consultant(inspirational motivator). Besides making the world a better place, I enjoy deep conversations, open minds, quiet moments, and peoples general respect & love; I'm born to make things pretty. I love to study human behavior, and often find my self engulfed in other peoples perdicaments... just to watch them work & interact; I am an artist by nature, a friend by choice, and a fairy by magik. I've recently been taking adventures through the metaphysical perspective of life. I totally recommend it to anyone with a strong will and a hungry mind. Creative visualization is tha key! I rarely get to enjoy the net, my life seems too busy; But when I am ... I'm constantly searching for more information to fill my head with; Very many people are blind to the capabilities of humanity and I want to take full advantage before we humans destroy it. i'm an artist! I LOVE Glitter!.Drawing,watchin Buffy,Dance/Pop,the outdoors,drivin on beautuful days/nites,going on naturewalks.Fairys.Hanging out,dancinglikeafool,going to the mall.enoying solidute. Thinkin w/ my mind, listening to my heart,following my gut, and trusting my instinct. Observing human interaction; discoving new mysteries of life; and enjoying the road less traveled. I enjoy teasing the mind and taunting the spirit. I live to make people smile and look forward to almost every moment I have to enjoy. It's quite likely I might have not woken up this morning and died in my sleep. It happens. As a Sagittarian, I see an easier path of life and see that my blessing of patience is the flashlight I can't do without. _______________ ______________
_________ ______________ What type of magic do you wield? (8 results + pics)
The Vivomancer
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November 23- December 21

best paied with Leo, Aries, Pisces, and Aquarius
Very optimistic, this astrological sign is always looking on the bright side. Extremely capable of making someone laugh their head off, you have a legendary sense of humor. You are always the life of the party others can count on you to make their party a hit.Very honest and caring, others are safe with you. You will never think of doing dishonest things, and you will not tolorate it around you. A dramatic sense of honor about you adds mystery and grace to your personality.
Negative traits- Blindly optimistic, careless, irresponsible, superficial, tactless, and restless.
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Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?

You've been described as 'the brains' of your family or group of friends. You're the natural born, 'Mr. Fixit'. You're also considered the most reserved, preoccupied with your own little thoughts and ideas. But that doesn't mean you don't hang with your family and friends! But, you still find it easy to get lost in your own thoughts...daydreaming often. You'd rather talk things out than fight. You long for a day when there's nothing but peace in the world, and when you can finally rest with your own thoughts. Violence is something the world could completely live without. One of your labels may be, 'true to blue friend'. You're strong at heart and powerful at mind.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!_______________________________________________________

My Interests

An artist all around. I love the arts all together. PHotographer of random beauty and unforgettable moments. Coordinator of visual epiphanies. Vocal artist of automobile proportion. Dancing my fury and confussion away, attacking my personal boundaries.Cartoonist revieling the inner light of everyones sorrows, and unlocking the secret connection beween humans and self-expression. Painter of odd and symbolical simplicity._____________ _________________________________________ Performing artist with KrysalKarma as an alias. Personal glamour is my cup of tea, from make-up to hair, face, skin, and nails. From stage to theater, movie and television, music and musicals, singing and Dancing. Interior design, and the flow of placement move me. The endless feeling I make concrete through my poetry and writings, filled with colorful visions and hopless wonders, kidnap my every thought and action. I'm a cartoonist and visionary. I thrive on the mysteries of passion and the myth of love. I love crafts, and the teamwork it sometimes intails. I find myself constantly changing my surroundings and broadening my perspectives. A spectical of moments haunts our curiosity, and the possabilities are only possible if someone is there to present an opportunity... and I hope to. When it comes to religion, my mouth cannot pinpoint the define understanding that I seek in EACH and EVERY perspective of unexplainable feelings, experiences, and events that shock and awe the untouched knowledge of our ultimate purpose. The possibilities that are fabricated from everyones-minds-eye puts our future in the unknown origin of raw, benevolent , wondering and creating, mimicking and corrupting, taking and wasting.____________________________

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_________________________________ You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts. People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused. But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. One of our options that Ive been able to experience is that of positive nature, and the positive consequences that follow the path of everythings course. Nature exists in flows. Everything in nature blends and beautifies. Adaptation is an inevitable habit of our rawest form, and through it we learn our truest weaknesses, and our core of strength.A collector of beliefs and a follower of the light, my purpose of self serving protrudes my ability to understand the repetitive abusive nature that exists in all of us that we fight everyday. Why is it that evil or malice comes SO easily without strife, yet hope, faith, understanding, patience, and joy are what we all strive to ingest permanently into our ethics.I believe a balance of good in life is only accomplished when the equal amount of bad is endured. Ive followed the path of many pagans, and wondered the mythic isles of scriptures and resources. Its lead me to more knowledge toward quantum mechanics and physics, and the uncanny existence of energy in everything that we do. Ive compiled a book of my collecting and consult them at times I need guidance and truth. It always offers another perspective, and opens door to possibilities I may have never spawned on my own.In order to make your surroundings more enjoyable, you have to first start with yourself. The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding...

I'd like to meet:

My parent's expectations and dreams, My half-brother, Silver Ravenwolf, Jordi Labanda, Josephine Wall, Robin Wood, Lisa Frank, Kenneth Cole, Kim Basinger, Michael Jackson, Julia Ormond, Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, Lionel Richie, Walt Disney, Dolly Parton, Elvis, My mother's father, My great unchle Ztep, Mandy Moore, Neve Campbell, Jennifer Connely, the Renaissance Artists (michael angelo,donatello, etc.) Oprah, Old childhood friends, Angelina Jolie, Madonna, Celine, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Reese Whitherspoon, Christina Aguilera, Alanis Morissette, Diana Princess of Whales Dahli Lama, Lisa Kudrow, Hillary Duff, Bill Gates, Baz Luhrman, Drew Barrymore, Sarah McLachlan, Christina Ricci, Thora Birtch, Patrick Swayze, Audrey Hepburn, Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore, Donna Reed, Elizabeth Montgumery, Mr. Fred Rogers, Ben Stein, Bill Nye, Life beyond our planet. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- When looking for a matching mate, I look for a vast friendship, open mind, extensive vocab, organized in life and home, respects the art-world, feels music, has a fav. poem, loves to travel, learns from mistakes and is not afraid to make them, understands the balance of bad & good that makes the world turn, and most of all respects nature and all that it has provided for us. Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional. He's always philosophizing and inspiring others with his insights. UPDATED!!!.:~ What's your Zodiac Sign~:. (cool pictures)UPDATED!!!
You are a SagittariusPlease Rate or message me
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Myspace Layouts & Myspace Graphics I want to have the success of Jordi Labanda, a GREAT illistrator of modern pop-art and fashion... isn't he hot?! ____________________________________________________________ ________________ __


Music in general, has to sooth my emotion, carry my mood, express what i feel, open new doors, relate to my culture, and promote the positive way the world shoul operate. I LOVE to dance, and enjoy a club every once in a while. Aqua, Enya, Alanis M., Sarah McLachlan, Celine D., Reba, Garth, Enigma, Amy Grant, Lionel Richie, Micheal Bolton, Gavin DeGraw, Chistina Aguilara, Cher, Britany, Spice Girls, Whitney Houston, Counting Crows, Madonna, Bette Midler, Nelly F., Kelly Clarkson, Natasha Beddingfield, Gwen Stefani, Selena, Boys2Men, Backstreet Boys, 3 Doors Down, A*Teens, Jump 5, Avril L., Imogen Heap, AhHa, Elton John, D.Child, Dave Matthews, Debbie Gibson, Cindy Lauper, Natalie E., Pink, Anna Nalic, DJ Sammy, Michael & Janet Jackson, Anistacia, Yanni, Classical, Piano, Violin, Strings, Flutes, Harp, and Sax, etc..
When it comes to music, my life, like most, has random and illuminating moments with the soundtrack no one person could replicate. Mother's influence of Pop and whatever what hip at the time helped to brighten my moods. Sister's attack of 80's pop/rock provided passionate understanding. Father's country always made me feel right at home, and filled with heart. I introduced myself into the techno/dance world through first enjoying trance and ambient tunes like Enya. Then I realized that you could charge that music with a hot beat and sound effects to develope a tone no one could stand still to. Aqua opened that door with Barbie girl and all that followed. I always enjoyed contemporary music, and Disney songs. Disney's 90's hits always left me feeling like I'm not alone in the world. I've enjoyed types of R&B groups and songs, hip hop too. Rap can just get too negative for my sunshine. I love musicals but never had a real chance to dive into them. Most of my friends didn't really wonder that way, so it's a lil something I enjoy in my spare time. I LOVE Little Shop of Horrors and My Fair Lady. Cats, Oliver, and Buffy's Musical all were enjoyed. I'm so jealous of my friend KC who's had a chance to really expand herself in the realm of theater. I've always had a passion for entertaining and singing. I've always been a dancer, and Cheerleading was something i would have enjoyed, or even just coordinated dancing in theater.


Always enjoyed tear-jerkers, a good cry never hurts(and is sometimes needed). I hunt for action that leaves me wanting to continue the movie for the next hour w/ my own actions either speeding through the parking lot from a fast&furious car movie or enhancing my reflexes after watching a martial arts movie, to believeing every vital intuitional feeling after an epic fantasy. True and usable influences that I can apply to my everyday life to make it that much better. *Casper*Hunt for Witch Mountain*Bedknobs and Broomsticks*The Little Mermaid*Labyrinth*What the Bleep Do We Know*Mary Poppins*Powder*Phenomenon*Matrix's*Rome&Michelle's High School Reunion*Clueless*Buffy the Vampire Slayer*Donnie Darko*Connie & Carla*Dragon Slayer*Chronicles of Narnia*Lord of the Rings*Waking Life*Disney Movies Generally* to be continued...


I dont get to watch it like I used to, but when I sit a spell, I love the Supernatural! Charmed, Buffy, FarScape, X-Files, Angel, Roswell, Will&Grace, MadTV, CSI, Home-Decorating, Love the Weather Channel!, CNN, CNN-OnDemand, Amer. Next Top Model, American Idol, Absolutely Fabulous, VH-1, McGuiver, Gilligan's Island, Bewitched, Donna Reed, Friends, Family Guy, Kyle XY, Cartoons of maximum fantasy and magick.


My dictionary is my guide!* Everything you wanted to Know about sex but where too afraid to ask* How to live 365 days a year* Buffy the Vampire Slayer Books* How to Practice the Way to a Meaningful Life* Life Signs* Teen Witch* Earth Air Fire Water* 101 Things your not supposed to know* The Giver*


Which X-Men Character Are You??
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Parents, Martin Luth King, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Diana X-Princess of Whales Mrs. Antignane, Celebs using their wealth for the less fortunate, Jordi Labanda, Lisa Frank, Josaphine Wall, Glen Hanson, Robin Wood(all artists I GREATLY admire) McGyver(always able to perform miracles with the simplest of tools), and anyone who wants to make a difference by starting with themselves to be the prime example and extending thier abilities to discover mor about themselves and the world they exist in. ___________________________

Congrats you innerself is kind and caring,You love
to cheer people up and can't stand to see the
people dear to you sad.You help anyone that
is in need.You are very beautiful and have a
great personality,and that is why the guys
love you.You are fun to be around and
everyone loves you for who you are.
What does your innerself look like?a
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_________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ What's your inner Faerie?
You are the tree-loving faerie. The Earth Faerie. Nature is your friend, all the little animals are cute and cuddly, even those that bite. You are a strong friend, people have a tendancy to go to you when they are feeling sad. You have a motherly instinct and always want to kiss away the tears.
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Quizilla | JoinI've always wanted to look or be Storm. Her power SO massive, contained by her mighty will. I'm never looking to bring imbalance to the universe, but to help bring it together. Magic, whether real or fake, exists in the moments only we witness and experience. If it spawned in everyday light for all to see constant... it wouldn't be magic anymore. The mystery of it, the unknown... that's what I'm in search of.

My Blog

Peaceful words, from different mouths...

I gotta say, I was never a big fan of the brotha, but his lyrics from this song always touched me, and helped me to know that there are people out there, trying to make a change... "I got l...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 08:13:00 PST

A Step Towards Earths Future

Get Rid of Junk Mail-The average U.S. household receives 1.5 trees' worth of junk mail each year. To reduce the amount of junk mail sent to you, register with Mail Preference Service. It costs a buck...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 03:49:00 PST

Bella's Birthday Cake was BURNING

I loved this song off of the "Surge" CD they gave out free in the mail... remember the drink Surge?!  Isn't it just Vault re-labeled?! LOL I never knew that Five for Fighting was the bad that had...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 10:11:00 PST

Be aware of Yourself... as the GameMaster

THIS song has been a fav or mine for years... it's beyond conventional thinking.  Sorry I haven't been inspired to write like I used to.  Work has my brain wrapped around a pole.  Plea...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:30:00 PST

Personality Test.... How'd I do?!

..56.76 64.1 52.94 52.38--> Personality Type: ENFJ Similarmind's Personality Type: ENFJ > -  "Persuader". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 12:02:00 PST

2 Divas 1 Idea, How will you measure up?

Everybody searching for a heroPeople need someone to look up toI never found anyone to fulfill my needsA lonely place to beSo I learned to depend on meI decided long agoNever to walk in anyone's shado...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 05:33:00 PST

Fav Poem/Insert about sleeping loved ones.

Feel rapture, but not such true joy are reaping As those who watch o'er what they love while sleeping. For there is lies so tranquil, so beloved All it hath of life with us is living So gentle, stirle...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:42:00 PST

Advice I live by, daily...

 WEAR SUNSCREEN!   If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be IT.   The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my a...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:56:00 PST

Trust me... you won't find it, only feel it.

Trust me, its paradise This is where the hungry come to feed For mine is a generation that circles the globe In search of something we haven't tried before   So never refuse an invitation Never r...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:45:00 PST

Bad Examples, Irritation of poison.

When the screaming from inside can soften no moreWhen the scraping of intrail is all your can feelIt's the quellin of voices and the hushin of thoughtsIt's what prepares you for drama, and sharpens th...
Posted by Sparkles of Light on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 12:37:00 PST