Fazri profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm 18 years old, i live at home with my parents. I play bowling, hang out with my friends....and generally have a good time!I'm good with a BIG HEART and a FRIENDLY ATTITUDE, always up for MAD LAUGHS:D ;D. I am a fan of just chillin out, doing whatever i please. I try to be as honest and friendly as possible and i dont go out my way to hurt anybody...coz thats just CRUEL. I have been "shot down" a few times by girls, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and i have learned from past mistakes.

My Interests

Fazri has 2037 friends



Raja Farah

Ahmad Zulhilmi


Amirah Amiruddin


Syafinaz Rosli

Afiqah Rashid







Shaun the Bam

I'd like to meet:

What i see in a friend? Friends have FUN and STAY POSITIVE with each other, ALWAYS THERE when you need to talk to someone, willing to give ADVICE when its needed and NEVER PUTS YOU DOWN. Happy when you are HAPPY and SYMPATHETIC when you are SAD. friends HANG OUT and talk to each other and are on the SAME LEVEL.

My favourite girls?? Girls that are FUNNY, LOYAL, ACTIVE and INDEPENDENT. I like girls who are CONFIDENT and ATTRACTIVE, like what i like and ENJOY chilling out.


Ada Apa Dengan Cinta Fantastic 4 300 The Guardian Sepi

My Blog

The best part of acting bila .......................

The best part of acting bila .......................-nak kene nangis-nak kene rogol-nak kene lepuk-nak kene hempok-->tgk babak menarik dlm drama 'Sangga Saadah' ...
Posted by Fazri on Sun, 27 May 2007 05:35:00 PST

Fazri is now on YOUTUBE!

FAZRI IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!!Hey now u can catch what is happening in everyday Fazri's lifeThis is a big chance for Fazri's Fans to get up close and know more boutSo boys n girls juz log on to www.youtube...
Posted by Fazri on Sat, 26 May 2007 09:31:00 PST

Fazri is now on Friendster

Fazri is now on FriendsterHey guys,Do add me up in Friendster through ffazry@hotmail.comor u guys can view my profile at   www.friendster.com/ffazriAnd now it's u chance to get know more bou...
Posted by Fazri on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:13:00 PST

Look it's Mickey!!!

Received dis webcam from Hafiz...It's a bit funny collection from Disney but who cares I'm a big fan of Mickey!!Seperti yg anda dpt lihat btk nye amat menarik...Tapi function nye biasa aje lah..bole t...
Posted by Fazri on Thu, 24 May 2007 01:51:00 PST

Dear Friends

At last...   Dapat gak 1000 friends. Walaupun bukannye kenal sgt n tak get along ngan korang sumer tapi no tu cukup besau kan!!! So, to all my fwens im so sorry for the late ...
Posted by Fazri on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 05:39:00 PST

SAPA PUNYE NI??? -part 2-

Macam2 neka rupa,bentuk dan warna..Macam kuih laa pulekk kan?? Bukan kuih neh,tapi lagi hebat dari pau!! Panassss!!! Haaaaa!!!! Kalau dulu kita ada the 1st part..Skang ni ada 2nd part pulekk!! SUPRISE...
Posted by Fazri on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:29:00 PST


Yeayyy!!! SPM dah pun abess...Paper Seni adalah paper yg 2nd last. So,agak kureng stress laa kan... Yang best nye,time seni ni lah Fzry curik2 amek gamba lukisan yang Fzry tgh draw...   (PU...
Posted by Fazri on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:15:00 PST


Tahniah... inilah die pemenang xfresh futsal league yg berlangsung di pj... baru2 ni... hadiah juara ialah rm 8,000... Hahahaa...Lepas ni ramai laa yg ngaku kwn ehh.. So,kpd aboy n da g...
Posted by Fazri on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:17:00 PST

s.a.p.e p.u.n.y.e n.i?

ai??! sape punya ni??!! tlg amik balikk... hahaha... kepada tuan punya,jgn maraa ek... sure tgh bingit gile... kpd korang sume.. hav fun... hati2..mana laa tau gmba korang punye lak ku...
Posted by Fazri on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:13:00 PST