Todd profile picture


About Me

I can put 43 grapes in my mouth at once.

My Interests

maroosh, taco bell, 5 dollar pizza, mcdeal (RIP), guitar, walks, bareback horse riding.


The boys, the doors, Clone Defects, Berlin Brats, bob dylan, dirtbombs, velvet underground, crime, kids, stitches, la peste, wierdos, johnny cash, turbonegro, buzzcocks, MC5, muddy waters, cure, johnny thunders, exploding hearts, M$M, hooker, wire, rolling stones, black lips, horrors, eddie and the hot rods, aversions, CCR, radio birman, saints, clorox girls, animals, brutal knights, murder city devils, zero boys, new york dolls, stooges, lou reed, john cale, pagans, dead boys, beastie boys, sick fits, damned, howlin wolf, Green Day, cramps, lurkers, sonics, slaughter and the dogs, miles davis, hasil adkins, bureaucrats, ramones, tom waits, who, lennon, US Bombs, vibrators, devo, love, the band, riffs, t rex, killed by death comps, nuggets, monks, canned heat, troggs, plugz, gen x


spider-man's, graduate, star trek, death to smoochy.


star trek, the office, spider-man, flying circus, kids in the hall, venture bros


on the road, for whom the bell tolls, please kill me, portrait of dorain gray.