Casandra Lynn Brandt --
Tastes like fried chicken
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
People are often unreasonable, illogical and Self Centered;
......Forgive them Anyway......
If you are Kind, people may accuse you of Selfish, ulterior Motives;
......Be Kind Anyway......
If you are Successful, you will win some false friends and some true Enemies;
......Succeed Anyway......
If you are Honest and Frank, People may CHEAT you;
......Be Honest & Frank anyway......
What you spend years building, someone could DESTROY overnight;
......Build Anyway......
If you find Serenity & Happiness, they may be JEALOUS;
......Be HAPPY anyway......
The good you do today, People will often FORGET tomorrow;
......Do good anyway......
Give the world the best you have, & it may NEVER be enough;
......Give the world the best you've got anyway......
-Mother Teresa
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