I'd like to meet:
A BaD Ass WoMan WhO CaN TrEat Her Man WEll.... AnD LoVeS ViNtAgE ClOtHiNg.... guys layout @ MyHotComments
MoRRiSeY,ThE SmItHs,DooRs,TiGER ArMy,SaOsIn,DaShBoArD,SUBLIME,I LiKe All KiNdS Of MUsIc FroM PUnK To Emo To Rock N RoLL ,RyTHem N BlUeZ,RaP,RoCk AbilliE,PychO Billie, 50's old contry,AlTeRnAtIvE,AnY ThInG ThAt SoUnDs GoOD
cherish your vision; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, if you remain true to them, your world will at last be built." ......
What i learnd from experience live learn and dont mess up!!
....... I have people I look up to who have teached many things in my life .......