Sex, design & drum & bass!! (Pretty boring, ain't it?) Also when the sun is shining, I love to get a round of soccer just so I can run around like a headless chicken and scold obsceneties to my fellowship
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Drum & Bass foremost..everything else comes in afterwards.. Tho Hip-hop will always have a place in my heart as I grew up with it. Diggin' House music now too
Star Wars trilogy, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, The Warriors, A Clockwork Orange, Donnie Darko, City Of God, Trainspotting, Hackers, Amelie, Taxi trilogy, LOTR trilogy, Shrek 1 & 2, Gladiator, Braveheart, The Village, Scarface, porn*
Whatever that can hold my attnetion long that means Lost & Desperate Housewives are out!!!!
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh, The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho,
Musically DJ Shadow & DJ Dieselboy.. Ronaldinho for soccer. David Carson for inspiring me to do graphic design. James Jarvis, Jeremyville, MCA, Hydro74 & Designers Republic for inspirations. Of course, Shepard Fairey who showed me that anyone can be an inspiration