Rachel Solomon profile picture

Rachel Solomon

Aleena Briahnna Solomon-Is here!

About Me

My baby has finally come! She was born late 13FEB07 and is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She is now over a month old. How time just flies!! I can't believe that she has grown as much as she has. I am finally feeling like a mom. Its crazy and wonderful all in the same breath. I still feel like I am too young to be a mom, but I wouldn't give it away for anything.
What Makes You ...
Your Information
What makes you sexy? Your booty
What makes you pretty? Your style
What makes you loveable? How fun you are
What makes you fun? Your easygoing nature
What makes you irresistable? Everything
98.00% Just how great are you?

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My Interests

I am interested in living life to its fullest!=) I love to travel and enjoy meeting people along the way.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone...no, I really mean it. If you limit yourself to one set spectrum I think you miss out on truly amazing people.


Mainly country and alternative rock, but I always leave space for other music. I like R&B, pop, etc. Not a huge fan of heavy metal, it hurts my very pretty ears some times.


Gosh, I love horror and comedy. Yes, I am a girl and I want to watch a great chick flick every once in awhile. You no the really sap, tear jerking movie where boy meets girl, yadda yadda yadda. Most people no what happens at the end of the movie and all most every women in the room is in tears huging a pillow or the nearest male figure. But nothing beats the guy and girl running from a monster with a chainsaw. That is always classic!=)


I have been totally digging on House. Great show! I think its the whole medical thing that I like so much, who knows.


I don't really have time to read much, but I would have to say... I have no clue.


My heroes are your every day people. The ones that lend a hand when one is needed and give you the truth even when it hurts. I guess, those would be my friends.