My family! Finding little moments alone with my hubby. Spending time with family and friends, hosting parties, laying in the sun, or anything about the sun, taking photos, Real Estate, polishing my toes;oP shopping of course! The list goes on and on!!!
♥ I am here to reconnect with old friends, and stay in touch with friends and family.
Just about everything!!!
Their is nothing better then a scary movie!!! But I also love comedy and romance♥
Grey's Anatomy, Desperate House Wives, Nip/Tuck, Brothers and Sisters, King of Queens, What About Brian
It seems like all the books I read these days end with "Happily ever after!"
The people who saved my son. My sister, for always loving me and never judging me. My husband, for not giving up on our love like others have. My children for all their innocents and unconditional love♥ My best Friend Sher, for understanding me and listening to everything I have to say, a love like no other!