First of all G.o.S. Started back in 2000 in a small ass country town of Frostburg, MD. That's where it all began with G RoCK and Oriffici and Spantoro! We all went to school made music and partied. It started getting serious when I brought the Dro along to help make beats and make things easier for me. BUT THE BOY DRO IS A STRAIGHT B@$H AND QUIT! And since then, I've been on my way. It isn't always easy to make it in MUSIC! THings were going wrong and getting harder and harder. SOMETHING WAS MISSING IN MY LIFE! I FOUND WHAT WAS MISSING IN THE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! MY life as dramatically changed. I NOW DO SONGS FROM THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM. HOLLA AT ME FOR MORE INFO. G.o.S. Now means, "GOD OVER SINS!".. Myspace Layout