Damn where can i start i listen 2 everything lol .....but my favorite music is Freestyle ... then Hip hop ...Rap..R&B..Reggeton..Pop Rock.. some heavy metal .. juss about everything lol..
The Shinning ...Good fellas ... the Lion King .... The Lost Boys ..TiTanic ...Baby Boy ...Texas Chainsaw Massacre ...Butterfly effect ...40yr Old Virgin ...Scarface ...The Little Mermaid..All the Madea Plays and movies..and anything thats scary or funny..
Desperate Housewives..Greys Anatomy...Martin..In livin Color..Fresh prince of Bell Air.. The Apprentice and the Biggest loser too..
Anything By Zane and the Harry Potter Collection lolz
My Mom is my hero ..... i cant even put into words how much i love her .... everything i do is for her ...she is my hero ...my everything ...my life ..my soul ..my strength ....the world wouldnt be what it is if my mother wasnt here... shes the reason i smile and the reason i kno that no matter wat things are gonna be alright ...I LOVE U MOMMY !!!!!! muah