...HaNgInG oUt WiT fRiEnDs...
...GoIn To ThE mOvIeS...
...gOiN tO tHe BeAcH tO cHeCk OuT aLl ThE hOtT lIfEgUaRdS!...
...fIlMiNg StUfF fOr ThE yEaRbOoK vIdEo...
...WaTcHiNg ThE dOdGeRs WiN tHeIr BaSeBaLl GaMeS...
...sPeNdInG eVeRy SeCoNd Of My LiFe wItH tHe LoVe Of My LiFe BiLlY jOhNsOn!...
ChAd MiChAeL mUrRaY...hOtTnEsS... hEaTh LeDgEr...AnY oNe WhO cOuLd HoLd A cOnVeRsAtIoN...mY fUtUrE hUsBaNd...WhIch hOpEfUlLy I hAvE aLrEaDy MeEt!...HiNt To BiLlY!...i LoVe YoU BaBe!
I like just about all music. It depends on who I'm hanging out with what kind of music that I listen to. I have pretty much learned to like it all.... even country! My favorite right now is probably Sublime...Waiting for my Ruca.Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"
Tender Kiss
The tender kiss is the feeling where you can be anywhere and show your feelings.Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
*!*I love going to the movies*!*
*!*My favorite movie right now is probably dodgeball*!*
*!*I love funny movies*!*
*!*I like just about all chick flix*!*
*!*I don’t really like scary movies*!*
*!*I’m not too good with real jumpy ones either*!*
*!*Identity is really jumpy and trippy!*!
*!*Boogyman is SOOO Scary*!*
*!*It is also really jumpy*!*
*!*Not one to watch by yourself*!*
I don't really watch tv that much anymore...my favorite shows are those Extreme Makeover shows. Ty Pendington is super hott for an old guy. (right sarah!! hehehe) But that is about it...I used to watch Oprah, but not really anymore...Degrassi is a good show, but I haven't seen it for like EVER!!
I used to read a lot more books, but now I only really read books for school! I do like Harry Potter! WoOtWoOt! And, I read a lot of magazines! Cosmopolitan is the best! Hehe! I also like a lot of other ones to though!
My Gramma and Grammpa all the way! They are the best ever and who knows where I would be without them in mine and my sister's lives...!