Photography, Music, Music Photography...
I hate it when people say they listen to everything, mostly because no one actually does. I listen to pop music, rock and roll mostly, although I don't care for much of what is on the radio. I enjoy the blues as long as it was recorded prior to 1950. When I DJ I spin mostly underground Hip Hop although I can get down with some breaks and downtempo Trip hoppy stuff as well, I like to keep it right around 85-95 bpm if you know what that means... I'm a sucker for country music as long as there is a lap steel pedal steel or mandolin. Bluegrass makes me cry sometimes, as do some classical pieces (mostly Mozart)
What's that for...?
Muhammad Ali, Richard Avedon, Frank Lloyd Wright, Jimi Hendrix, James Nachtwey, Gustav Klimt, Charles & Ray Eames, Henri Cartier Bresson...